Archivissima 2024 - The Festival and the Night of the Archives | Turismo Roma
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Archivissima 2024 - The Festival and the Night of the Archives

Archivissima 2024 - Il Festival e la Notte degli Archivi-Foto: Pixabay

Archivissima 2024, conceived by Promemoria Group and organized by the social promotion association Archivissima APS, is the first Italian festival dedicated to the promotion of the precious heritage preserved in the historical archives of institutions and companies.

Born in 2018 in Turin from the format The Night of the Archives and now in its seventh edition, the event allows citizens to rediscover archive stories, told by the voices of authors of Italian culture. Archivissima has also made use, since the first edition, of experimenting with new forms of valorisation of the archival heritage thanks to the mix of languages ​​and new media that are at the centre of the programming (masterclasses, author retrospectives, archive incubators, immersive exhibitions). This year's edition is dedicated to the theme of passions and includes talks, guided tours, performances, screenings and of course the Night of the Archives.

We remember in particular the date of June the7th 2024, a special Friday dedicated to all Italian and non-Italian entities participating in the initiative, which open their doors to the public to present their digital contents through the festival website.

For the complete program consult the website:



from 6 June 2024 to 9 June 2024
Mobile phone: 
349 2887997
Web site:

Da giovedì 6 a domenica 9 giugno 2024

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