Piazza Ronchi Cistern | Turismo Roma
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Piazza Ronchi Cistern

Cisterna di Piazza Ronchi Foto Sovrintendenza Archeologica

The existing ruins in piazza Ronchi, near via Prenestina, are probably pertinent to a Roman cistern built in brick, with the use of yellow and red bricks and an inner core in tuff flakes.

The cistern was supposed to have a rectangular plan and only two walls remain in part for a maximum height of about two meters; in a corner there are parts of the cocciopesto coating which was used to waterproof the walls and which allowed the ruins to be identified as a cistern.

On the external walls there are a series of buttresses, while in one of the best preserved walls there is a door, or a window, with a travertine threshold, perhaps inserted in a second construction phase.

Photo: Courtesy Sovrintendenza Archeologica

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POINT (12.5494864 41.8949493)

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Cisterna di Piazza Ronchi, Piazza Ronchi
Piazza Ronchi
41° 53' 41.8164" N, 12° 32' 58.1496" E


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