Save the date: for “Unexpected Itineraries of Rome” the Esquiline Itinerary will be launched on 25 March | Turismo Roma
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Save the date: for “Unexpected Itineraries of Rome” the Esquiline Itinerary will be launched on 25 March

25 March 2025

On 25 March, the Esquiline Itinerary, the second Unexpected Itineraries of Rome created for the enhancement, fruition, communication and promotion of itineraries outside the traditional tourist routes, will be presented and inaugurated at the Acquario Romano - Casa dell'Architettura in Piazza Manfredo Fanti, at 6 pm.

Rich in evidence of the city’s millennial history, from ancient Rome to the 20th century, and unique urban green areas, the itinerary is simple and easily accessible by public transport, is about 1.7 kilometers long and can be covered on foot. From Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, which is important in religious, historical and cultural terms for the presence of the Basilica with the relics of the Holy Cross, the Aurelian Walls, the Historical Museum of the Grenadiers of Sardinia and the National Museum of Musical Instruments, the itinerary ends at the Acquario Romano, now the House of Architecture and headquarters of the Order of Architects of Rome and its province, a 19th-century building constructed with the intention of providing the city with an aquarium to display known fish fauna.

The route includes many other important archaeological sites and places of historical importance: the Neronian Aqueduct (54-68 AD), the Republican Sepulchres, the Hypogeum of the Aurelians, the Horti Lamiani (a sumptuous residence-garden now converted into a museum area), the Aqueduct of Piazza Pepe, the Auditorium of Maecenas, the Trophies of Marius, the Porta Magica - Magic Door, the Fountain of the Tritons, or of the Glaucus, the Monument to the Fallen of the 1915-18 War, the Arch of Gallienus, the Church of Santi Vito and Modesto, the Fountain of the Mounts and the remains of the Servian Walls in the gardens of the Acquario Romano. The itinerary also crosses three gardens, oases of peace and greenery in a densely populated and built-up district: the gardens of Via Statilia, the gardens of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in the heart of the Rione Esquilino, dedicated to Nicola Calipari, and the gardens of the Acquario Romano, characterized by majestic trees, Mediterranean essences and exotic and tropical plants.

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