Rome Capital of Push Scooters 2025 | Turismo Roma
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Rome Capital of Push Scooters 2025

from 25 February 2025 to 31 December 2025

Rome is at the top of the Italian ranking for push scooter rental with almost 8 million rentals in a year and 13,500 vehicles, and second for the total number of bike rental - bike sharing - with 2 million rentals a year and 6,000 vehicles available. These data emerge from the ninth report of the Focus2R Observatory, the research promoted by Confindustria Ancma (National Association of Cycle and Motorcycle Accessories) with Legambiente and elaborated by Ambiente Italia.

Rome is, therefore, playing a fundamental role in shaping sustainable and accessible urban mobility. Among the protagonists of this new phase of transport, the electric push scooter confirms itself as one of the most practical, convenient and above all non-environmentally impactful transport; thanks to its comfort and speed in fact, this vehicle is increasingly chosen by citizens and tourists to travel easily. Suffice it to say that, from January to September 2024 alone, 6,700,000 trips were recorded with push scooters compared to 1,800,000 with bicycles.

This data is even more significant if we think that, with 51.4 million presences and 22.2 million arrivals, Rome set its own historical tourism record in 2024. Compared to the record achieved in 2023, the Capital, as revealed by the numbers of the Lazio Bilateral Tourism Board, recorded +4.5% in attendance and +5.63% in arrivals.

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