Our actions matter: Christmas in Rome is dedicated to sustainability | Turismo Roma
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Our actions matter: Christmas in Rome is dedicated to sustainability

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from 8 December 2021 to 10 January 2022

Building a different world will be impossible without cooperation between governments, international organizations and world leaders but each of us can make a difference, even with simple daily gestures and actions. The special “Christmas in Rome - Let’s give the gift of a sustainable city” campaign developed by Roma Capitale, FAO, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and energy utility Acea is based on this premise and calls on citizens and tourists to reflect on the goals set by the UN 2030 Agenda during Christmas time.

This year, both the traditional Christmas tree in Piazza Venezia and the lights and installations in the city will remind us of how each of us can become part of the change. The 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) appear underneath the giant fir, wrapped as gift packages. Each gift package displays a QR code which, when scanned with our smartphones, provides us with information about concrete actions each of us can take to change our lifestyle, reduce our environmental impact and make the society we live in more inclusive and fair. A special eighteenth package, illustrated by Roman artist Lorenzo Terranera, is dedicated to children and gives them the possibility to carry out simple actions at home or at school to learn and contribute to our shared sustainable future.

The SDGs decorates the Christmas trees installed in the other 14 municipalities and are inserted in the lights realized by Acea with the innovative and sustainable Roma by Light ACEA 2021™ project. The 300 thousand LED lights used have a low environmental impact and reduce daily energy consumption by 45%, while the modular structure of the project allows the systems to be modified and reused. In addition to the symbols illustrating the SDGs, the lighting along Via del Corso includes 17 images of the most significant monuments of the city underlining Rome’s beauty and ancient heritage.

Finally, a mix of technology and creativity allows us to explore issues related to environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability. Through the QR codes on the installations, the information totems and the FAO website, it is possible to access a web App that contains the 17 SDGs, a section for children, the map of the trees of Rome and the link to a photographic contest promoted by Acea to invite the public to tell about the Christmas lights and the trees. To participate in the contest, which is active until 10 January, and to find out more information on the monuments that are illustrated in the installations, it is also possible to use the dedicated “Roma by light Acea” App.

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