After the extraordinary maintenance work was completed, the Vittorio Emanuele station of the Metro A reopened at the beginning of July, with a surprise for the thousands of people who pass through it every day.
The large underground atrium was in fact enriched by the site-specific work “Prospettiva comune” - Common Perspective (2024), signed by the South Tyrolean artist Esther Stocker. Over 8,000 meters of black adhesive tape on a white background are applied to the walls, ceiling, pillars and access devices, intertwining and creating a grid, as well as a series of geometric elements anchored to the ceiling and arranged on the ground.
The initiative is the result of a collaboration between MAXXI - Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo and ATAC as part of the major exhibition “Ambienti 1956 - 2010. Environments by women artists II” scheduled to run until 20 October 2024: three-dimensional and immersive works that highlight the fundamental contribution of women to the history of one of the forms of artistic expression perhaps least investigated to date, that of environments.