Despite the restrictions due to the Covid emergency, the usual appointment with the Cereals Festival is back; the international and interdisciplinary festival deals with food, gastronomy, environment, territory and society.
The event, which is now 10 years old, has always focused on cultural exchange in the context of those countries and peoples bordering the Mediterranean, promoting the sustainable development of the circular economy and raising awareness among society on important issues such as the protection of Mediterranean ecosystem.
In recent years, the organizers of the Festival have also felt the need to reach and involve the younger audience in several activities; this year for examplein the playful-creative workshops dedicated to the world of Gianni Rodari, the educational workshop on food waste, the cooking lab for small cooks with chef Renato Bernardi, the video performances of Ricette in Versi and the webinars in collaboration with Guida Paritori Onlus and FIDAF.
The contribution of the younger generations, in fact, is fundamental to educate and train them, bringing them closer to the knowledge of environmental issues as current as ever and to respect and comparison with other cultures, to become one day more aware individuals and citizens, authors of the deep changes that now invest our society.
Recipes in verse will also be held on Sunday 27 December at 6 pm among the most awaited events. Sensually appealing poems, between art and cuisine. The video performance will be visible online on the Youtube channel M.Th.I. and the Cerealia Festival.
For more info for the programme: http://www.cerealialudi.org/cerealia-programma/cerealia-programma-roma/cerealia-programma-roma-capitale-2020/