We all know that history is written at least in the short term by the victors. In the case of the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (as in the case of others hit by the memory sanctions of the damnatio memoriae), it was mainly the propaganda of the senatorial nobility that gave us the portrait of a mad, megalomaniac and cruel tyrant. Helping us to focus on Nero and his controversial figure, distinguishing between slander and reality, is the new original podcast produced by the Parco archeologico del Colosseo - Colosseum Archaeological Park, coordinated and supervised by Francesca Guarneri and Federica Rinaldi.
In the 4 episodes of the podcast “Dov’è Nerone?” (Where is Nero?) listeners are guided by author and director Luca Lancise on a journey into the past that follows the erased and cursed traces of the emperor. The starting point is one of the most famous and fascinating monuments of ancient Rome, the only place where the spirit of Nero still echoes. The Domus Aurea, the palace designed and built by the architects “magistri et machinatores” Severus and Celer between 64 and 68 A.D., was an immense and marvelous suburban villa that Nero, who died by suicide between 9 and 11 June 68 A.D., could enjoy only for a very short time.