Zeno's conscience | Turismo Roma
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Zeno's conscience

La coscienza di Zeno-Foto: Foto: sito ufficiale del Teatro Quirino

Zeno's conscience by Italo Svevo is on stage at the Quirino Theater directed by Paolo Valerio, and has as its main performers Alessandro Haber (in the role of Zeno), Alberto Onofrietti (who plays young Zeno), Francesco Migliaccio, Valentina Violo, Ester Galazzi, Riccardo Maranzana, Caterina Benevoli, Chiara Pellegrin. The show celebrates one hundred years since the publication of the novel - which took place in 1923 - and which soon became one of the masterpieces of 20th century literature.

The play reconstructs all the complexity, depth and bitter irony of the protagonist Zeno Cosini, as well as his perennial sense of inadequacy, his neuroses, his widespread "malady" which finally push him to seek treatment from the psychoanalyst Doctor S and to write his psychoanalytic diary. The director manages to bring back to the scene Zeno's analysis of his own life and his inner world, splitting the character and making him confront his own "conscience".

Thanks to the extraordinary interpretation of Alessandro Haber and the skilful direction, through the tormented figure of Zeno Cosini, all the crisis of contemporary man emerges, a topic that today is more relevant than ever.

Photo credits: Quirino Theater official site


from 17 October 2023 to 29 October 2023
POINT (12.48256 41.90038)
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