UnArchive Found Footage Fest | Turismo Roma
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UnArchive Found Footage Fest

Unarchive 2023

In the heart of Trastevere takes place the first edition of the international festival dedicated to the creative reuse of images, born from reflection on the function of audiovisual and cinematographic archives in the contemporary world.

Cinema is involved with shorts and feature films, art with video installations, works in virtual reality, and music with live audiovisual performances.

The rich program includes panels, round tables, masterclasses, Q&A meetings, and international guests, who will tell the public about their approach to found footage and the different practices of re-reading and re-semanticizing images.

A Jury will award the UnArchive Award, Best Feature Film Award, and Best Short Film Award to 23 films, nine feature films, and 14 short films from as many as 30 countries. The Giuria degli Studenti, students from universities and training institutes in Rome under the guidance of director Daniele Vicari, will assign other awards. 

Special Screenings focuses on Werner Herzog and Aleksandr Sokurov and their latest works and pays a tribute to the 2022 Nobel Prize for Literature, Annie Ernaux.

The Frontiere section turns its gaze to the boundaries of found footage with five international titles; Panorami italiani offers a selection of eight works that differ for poetics and reuse practices.

On the waves of experimentation, two tributes to international cinema with Philippe-Alain Michaud's Carte blanche and a retrospective of Canadian artist Louise Bourque.

The winner of the Beeld & Geluid IDFA ReFrame Award 2022, Private Footage by the Brazilian Janaína Nagata, is presented in the IDFA ReFrame Award @Unarchive space; the Riuso di classe section offers 30 short films from the major Italian training courses dedicated to creative reuse of the images.

Unarchive Expanded, the segment dedicated to expanded cinema proposals, renews the dialogue between space and images with two works related to cinema and video art: Mani Materia Memoria, a cinepoetic work in VR by Leonardo Carrano, with the voice of Antonio Rezza, and DECAY DANCE, a limited edition of short films by the American artist Bill Morrison.

The UnArchive Found Footage Fest is conceived and produced by the Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico in collaboration with Archivio Luce and with the support of the MiC - Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo and other public and private institutions.

The program may undergo changes


from 3 May 2023 to 8 May 2023
06 57305447
Web site: 

Dal 3 all'8 maggio 2023
Vari luoghi e vari orari

Le proiezioni di film saranno ospitate dalle tre sale del Cinema Intrastevere, mentre il locale Alcazar sarà dedicato alle performance audiovisive dal vivo. I panel e le tavole rotonde si svolgeranno presso la Reale Accademia di Spagna, mentre le installazioni artistiche saranno allestite presso l’adiacente Tempietto del Bramante.

> Programma completo

I film del Concorso Internazionale sono in lingua originale sottotitolati in Italiano e Inglese.
I film delle sezioni Fuori Concorso sono in lingua originale sottotitolati in Italiano.

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