The Festival Spiritualia - Traveling from Krónos to Kairós is a new and original initiative including a series of events, with free admission, around the themes of spirituality.
Housed in venues of particular historical, artistic and architectural interest, such as the Baroque churches of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane and Sant'Agnese in Agone, the ancient 11th century church of Santa Maria in Cappella or the Renaissance Santa Maria dell'Orto in the Trastevere district, the Spiritualia Festival is divided into different sections – Music, Architecture, Photography, Video, Art, Theater, Dance, Science – and focuses its attention on the theme of time: starting from Krónos, which represents the flow of time, we move towards Kairós, the right moment, the occasion, which, in the different events of the festival is manifested through music, voice, sound, which in every culture represent a vital principle, from the "Om" of Buddhists at the incipit of the Gospel of John.
Free admission, reservations are recommended on:
ANY UPDATES ON: >Official site
Photo credits: courtesy of Spiritualia official site
Dal 25 febbraio al 31 marzo 2023
date e orari in descrizione