Two days dedicated to five great names of the past, women and men with wonderful minds who fought to assert their identity as a scientist, even at the cost of personal sacrifices: Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie and Rosalind Franklin.
Organized by ScienzImpresa, with the contribution of the Lazio Region and the patronage of the Appia Antica Regional Park and the Physics Department of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, SCIENTIFIC PARK VII - Scienziati fantastici e dove trovarli is an opportunity to learn about their lives and retrace the steps that led them to revolutionize human thought.
Five different stations animated by young researchers and science communicators will describe the salient phases of the protagonists' life, often tormented and difficult, and will address the fundamental themes of their work. Practical and interactive experiments and exhibits (the Wimshurst electrostatic machine, professional telescopes, reproductions of historical machinery, microscopes and dozens of other experiments ...) will guide the spectators , adults and children alike, making them understand topics that are also considered very complex.
Topics addressed will include for example DNA, X-rays, gravity, optics and electromagnetism, describing many of the phenomena that surround us and that we often do not know how to explain, ranging from physics to astronomy, from biology to chemistry and mathematics.
Sabato 24 e domenica 25 ottobre 2020
dalle ore 14.00 alle 19.00
Presso l'Ex Cartiera Latina - Via Appia Antica, 42
È obbligatorio l'utilizzo della mascherina per adulti e bambini dai 6 anni in su.
Non si può accedere all'evento se si ha una temperatura corporea superiore o uguale a 37,5 °C.