The Cavea of the Teatro Tor Bella Monaca hosts the new and eagerly awaited edition of Play Music Stop Violence, the extraordinary music contest organised by the Giovani per la Pace (Youth for Peace) movement and the Community of Sant'Egidio, which spreads a strong message of peace through music.
On stage, with Eva Cela and Riccardo Rampazzo as presenters and Fellow as Special Guest, the talented emerging artists, finalists of the contest, present their original songs, specially composed for the occasion, contributing, with the strength of their notes and lyrics, to bring attention to important and topical issues, such as war, weapons ban, violence, ecology, welcoming and solidarity.
Following the Tor Bella Monaca event, the Play Music Stop Violence returns on 27 June to Ostia, in Piazza Anco Marzio, on whose stage the contest winners will take the stage, together with the winning artists from previous editions and numerous special guests.
After last year's edition in Piazza del Popolo, the double event, with free admission, starts again from the suburbs, as symbolic places of hope and hubs of energy, and aims to raise awareness among young people for an engagement against all forms of violence, highlighting the power and relevance of music as an instrument of peace and integration.
The event is organised as part of the Valori in Circolo project, selected by Con i Bambini within the framework of the Fund for the fight against child educational poverty, with the support of the Assessorato ai Grandi Eventi, Sport, Turismo e Moda.
Friday, 14 June 2024, from 7 p.m. - Cavea of the Teatro Tor Bella Monaca
Free entrance, reservation required