Diego Caterbetti, aka NASKA, began his musical journey as a teenager. In 2020 he released his first EP ALO/VE (Sony Music), whose first song Dormi tells the story of jealousy and distrust in relationships in today's kids.
The same year, having become independent again, he opened his own Twitch channel to self-finance his music, in which he offers content mainly related to the talk show format.
In 2021, he is the first officially signed artist Thamsanqa. In the first official album Rebel NASKA winks at the punk rock of Sum41, Blink182, Pixies, Nirvana, and Green Day but does not intend to close itself to the influences and possibilities of pop while not forgetting where it comes from.
After a collaboration with Lo Stato Sociale for the single Che benessere!?, Naska publishes the new singles Cattiva and a Testa in Giù.
25 giugno 2023
Ore 21.45