The exhibition Lex. Justice and Law from Etruria to Rome, hosted in the exhibition halls of the Ara Pacis Museum, presents more than 80 works, introducing the most important aspects of the concept of Justice and the legal system in ancient Rome, through characters, places and legal texts. It therefore offers the visitor a brief overview of the founding elements of Roman law and its importance in the daily life of a civis romanus.
The itinerary of the exhibition, divided into 11 thematic sections, moves from some historical and social premises on the idea of Justice, on the role of Law in Etruscan-Italic society and in the context of monarchical Rome, to then underline the important transition from oral tradition to the constraints of devices set by writing. The central part of the exhibition focuses on some themes characterizing the politics and administration of justice in republican Rome: from an important moment of transition, the written establishment of laws, to the main magistracies, up to the concept of imperium and the symbols that some of them had in common, distinguished by competences. In the last part, the itinerary focuses on the constant presence of law and legal institutions in the daily life of the Roman citizen through marriage and servile conditions.
Finally, there is also a section dedicated to the administration of justice in the military sphere with rare testimonies that show the symbols of power and the objects of judgment. The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Culture, Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage and is organized by the European Tourism Center (CET) with the organizational support of Zètema Progetto Cultura. The exhibition and the catalogue, published by Gangemi Editore, are curated by the archaeologist Vincenzo Lemmo.
Photo credits: courtesy of the Ara Pacis Museum official site
From May 27 to September 10, 2023
Every day 9.30 - 19.30
Last admission one hour before closing time
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES