The exhibition at the Mercati di Traiano – Museum of the Imperial Forums presents the two marble portrait-heads of the emperor Augustus recently found in Rome, on the occasion of the archaeological excavations conducted in the via Alessandrina in Rome, in the area of the Forum of Trajan, and along the via Occidentale in Isernia, during the works to refurbish the medieval city walls.
The two works, of great artistic quality, represent the young Augustus of the type known as "Alcudia" or "Azio", conceived after the homonymous victory over Antonio (31 BC) and characterized by a marked pathos, and a more mature Augustus of "Prima Porta" type - so called from the name of the locality where the famous loricate statue was discovered - characterized by a classicist style.
The diversity of the two portraits is exactly the basis of the innovative choice to dramatize their exposure, comparing the young man with the mature man, the expectations and projects of the first with the pragmatism of the second, going beyond the outward appearance and revealing its soul.
A small exhibition therefore, dedicated to just two works, thus becomes an opportunity to learn not only the contexts of discovery and the history of the portraits which have become, over the centuries, from official representations of the emperor placed in public places, mere construction or waste, but also the character of Octavianus Augustus, the founder of the Empire and one of the most skilled politicians in Rome.
Inside the exhibition, to ensure the widest accessibility to all, there are visual devices and Qr Codes with spoken reading and sign language, a map in Braille that orients the blind visitor and reproductions of the heads in marble-like that allow tactile visit.
The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, the Department of Culture, the Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture, the ABAP Molise Superintendency and is curated by Claudio Parisi Presicce, Beatrice Pinna Caboni, Dora Catalano and Maria Diletta Colombo. Organization by Zètema Culture Project.
Photo credits: courtesy of Mercati di Traiano – Museum of the Imperial Forums official site
From 29 June 2023 to 7 April 2024
Every day 9.30 - 19.30
Last admission one hour before closing time
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES