The traditional event that colours the streets of the Rione Trastevere every summer is back and has been involving old and new inhabitants of the neighbourhood, Roman citizens and tourists for decades.
Halfway between the sacred and the profane, the Festa de' Noantri is one of the most eagerly awaited events, especially by the inhabitants of Trastevere, who add the appellation 'noantri' (the rest of us) to the feast, marking their belonging to that Rome beyond the Tiber, physically and characteristically distinct from the rest of the city.
The ancient religious celebrations in honour of the Madonna del Carmine, or Madonna Fiumarola, are the centrepiece of the festivities which origins, according to legend, date back to 1535, when some fishermen found a statue of the Virgin Mary carved from cedar wood at the mouth of the river.
Donated to the Carmelites of the basilica of San Crisogono, the statue was first placed in the church of San Giovanni dei Genovesi and then permanently transferred to its current location at the church of Sant'Agata in Largo San Giovanni de Matha, thus becoming the Patron Saint of the inhabitants of Trastevere.
The statue leaves its home only once a year - on the first Saturday after the feast of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel, celebrated on 16 July - to be carried in procession through the streets of the district and by boat along the Tiber.
Solemn celebrations in honour of the Madonna de' Noantri
Tuesday 16 July
9.30 a.m. Holy Mass presided over by Fr Paolo Asolan, rector of the church of Sant'Agata
11.00 a.m. Holy Mass in Sant'Agata in honour of Our Lady presided over by don Renato Tarantelli Baccari, primicerius of the confraternity.
5.00 p.m. Pontifical Holy Mass in Sant'Agata presided over by H.E.R. Msgr. Michele Di Tolve, auxiliary bishop of Rome and rector of the Pontifical Major Seminary, with investiture of the new active and honorary confraternity brothers/sisters. The 'FEDERCORI' choir of the diocese of Rome will perform.
6.15 p.m. The State Police horse fanfare pays homage to Our Lady.
Saturday 20th July
4.30 p.m. Pontifical Mass in St. Chrysogonus in honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel presided over by H.E.R. Msgr. Vittorio Francesco Viola Archbishop, Secretary of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The "FEDERCORI" choir of the diocese of Rome will perform.
5.50 p.m. Homage of the Mayor of Rome to Our Lady of Carmine.
6.00 p.m. Start of the procession through the streets of Trastevere accompanied by the musical band of the Local Police of Roma Capitale. The sacred statue will wear a dress donated by the Maison CONTAINER_ZEROZERO by FILIPPO SARCINELLI.
At the arrival of the procession honours to the Madonna by the fanfare of the Bersaglieri.
At the end of the procession, the sacred statue will enter the basilica of San Crisogono.
Procession route: Largo San Giovanni de' Matha - Via della Lungaretta - Via della Luce - Via dei Genovesi - Via Anicia - Piazza di San Francesco d'Assisi - Via di San Francesco a Ripa - Viale di Trastevere - Via Emilio Morosini - Via Roma Libera - Piazza di S. Cosimato - Via Luciano Manara - Via delle Fratte di Trastevere - Viale di Trastevere - Basilica S. Crisogono.
From Monday 22 to Saturday 27 July Solemn Octave in Sant'Agata
9.30 a.m. Holy Mass
5.30 p.m. Recitation of the Rosary
6.30 p.m. Holy Mass presided over by the parish priests of Trastevere
Thursday 25 July
4.30 p.m. Holy Mass in the Corsican language in the Church of St Agatha with the participation of the Confraternity of St Joseph of Bastia (twinned with the Archconfraternity of the Carmine of Trastevere) and the Corsican Confraternities of the Dioceses of Ajaccio and Bastia. The statue of Saint Joseph (Bastia) will be taken to the church of Sant'Agata.
9 p.m. Evening of Adoration and Evangelisation - Victory of God Charismatic Marian Community.
Saturday 27 July
4.30 p.m. Pontifical Mass in the Basilica of Saint Chrysogonus in the Corsican language with the participation of the Corsican Confraternities of the Diocese of Ajaccio and Bastia.
The sacred statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be taken to the Basilica of San Crisogono.
Fiumarola procession
Procession route on Sunday 28th July 2024 at 7.30 p.m.: start of the Fiumarola procession with arrival at the Anguillara cove (approx. 8.30 p.m.) - Overland procession: Anguillara cove - Piazza G. Gioacchino Belli - Viale di Trastevere - Largo San Giovanni de' Matha (Fireworks) - Via della Lungaretta - Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere - Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere.
Procession route on Monday 29th July 2024 at 7.30 a.m.: Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere - Via della Paglia - Piazza di Sant'Egidio - Via della Scala - Via di Santa Dorotea - Via Benedetta - Via del Moro - Piazza di S. Apollonia - Via della Lungaretta - Largo Santa Giovanni de' Matha - Chiesa Sant'Agata.
The programme may be subject to change
Photo: Arciconfraternita del Carmine in Trastevere
July in Rome. Key dates and events (today as in the past)

Basilica of Saint Crisogono

Church of Sant’Agata in Trastevere

From 16 to 25 July 2022
The celebrations are streamed live on the Confraternity's Facebook page
Solemn Mass and the Rosary from the church of San Crisogono are also broadcast live on Tv2000