An important photographic exhibition opens at the MuCiv-Museum of Civilizations and tells about Italy through the image of landscapes and its mountains, even the lesser known ones. These are 53 large-format color photos taken by L’Altro Versante, a collective of three photographers and a director, Maurizio Biancarelli, Bruno D'Amicis, Luciano Gaudenzio and Marco Rossitti. L'Altro Versante is a project born in 2014 from the desire of the three photographers and the director to rediscover the Italian natural heritage and the mountains in particular through photography, to celebrate their beauty and variety and to raise the awareness of their safeguard. 100 different locations were selected from the twenty Italian regions, from Mont Blanc to Sicily, from the Dolomites to Campo Imperatore, choosing both well-known places considered from new points of view, as well as remote and semi-unknown realities. A country with a thousand landscapes also presents a multimedia itinerary, a selection of photos, in fact, is equipped with a QR code from which visitors can have access tovideos and interventions by photographers telling about the context where the photographs were taken. On the occasion of the exhibition, the Museum's ethnographic collections from the 1911 exhibition of Italian Ethnography in Rome collected by Lamberto Loria are also exhibited, telling the habits and customs of some Italian mountain communities. Among these, a small nucleus, exhibited for the first time, includes souvenirs dedicated to the "mountain" collected by the anthropologist Annabella Rossi.The exhibition project benefits from the patronage of many national and regional parks and the support of Obiettivo Mediterraneo, a cultural association promoting and defending the landscape and natural heritage of the Mediterranean Region.
Photo credits: courtesy of the MuCiv-Museum of Civilizations official site
Dal 21 dicembre 2021 al 31 marzo 2022
Dal martedì al domenica dalle ore 8.00 alle 19.00
(ultimo ingresso ore 18.30)
Chiuso lunedì
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