Corri per la Befana 2024 - 30th Edition | Turismo Roma
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Corri per la Befana 2024 - 30th Edition

A milestone of Capitoline running, Corri per la Befana, the popular Epiphany Day sports event, reaches its 30th edition this year with the customary 10.100 km competitive race, starting at 10 a.m., and two non-competitive recreational-motor activities of 10.100 km (running or free pace) and 3 km Befana Happy Run (starting at 9.45 a.m. - running or free pace).

As per tradition, the route, which winds its way through the seductive wilderness of the Parco degli Acquedotti, will start from Circonvallazione Tuscolana, continues along Via Tuscolana, Via delle Capannelle, Viale Appio Claudio (Statuario side), enters the park and ends with the classic finish on Via Lemonia.

Don't miss the free side events of Corri per la Befana!

Friday, 5 January, appointment with Aspettando la Befana (Waiting for the Epiphany): the day takes place inside the sports field of the San Policarpo church, which for the occasion is transformed into the Villaggio della Befana (Epiphany Village), an Athletic Camp equipped with field facilities, athletic and play paths for the little ones to try their hand at Le Volate della Befana (The Epiphany Sprints), speed trials on 50 metres, reserved for children and youngsters aged 4 to 16.

Space dedicated also to Conosci l'Atletica - Correre per Educare: FIDAL and CSI instructors focus on the practical teaching of athletics. The activity lasts two hours.

On 6 January, the Befane del Parco will be wandering around Via Lemonia with sacks overflowing with sweets to be given to all children along with free Oasi Park playground tickets.

You can sign up for the competitive race until 5 January; for the non-competitive you can sign up by the morning of the race.

All participants will receive a gadget from technical sponsor Diadora; for the first 1,800 registered for the competitive race receive the beautiful Diadora wind jacket.

As part of the close cooperation started in 2018 with the church of San Policarpo, also this year a share of the Corri per la Befana enrolments will be allocated to solidarity initiatives indicated by the parish priest.

Presented by A.S.D. Roma Road Runners Club and Centro Sportivo Italiano, and included in the calendar of the Italian Athletics Federation and Centro Sportivo Italiano, Corri per la Befana is sponsored by the Municipio Roma VII of Roma Capitale, Fidal Lazio, and the Parco Regionale dell'Appia Antica.


6 January 2024
06 71077050 – 06 71073477
Web site:

Saturday 6 January 2024 departure at 10.00 a.m. from via Lemonia-circonvallazione Tuscolana (Parco degli Acquedotti)

Friday 5 January from 10.30 a.m. Aspettando la Befana (free initiative for children) inside the sports field of the church of San Policarpo, Piazza Aruleno Celio Sabino

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Corri per la Befana 2024 - XXX edizione, Via Lemonia
Via Lemonia

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