Anteprime Letterature Festival internazionale di Roma 2025 | Turismo Roma
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Anteprime Letterature Festival internazionale di Roma 2025

Anteprime Letterature Festival internazionale di Roma 2025

Waiting for its 24th edition, the Letterature Festival, the most important Rome literary event, expands and enriches its cultural offer with a series of diffuse encounters, scheduled from 25 March to 1 July in different spaces of the city: Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone, Casa del Jazz, Teatro Elsa Morante and Parco di Monte Ciocci.

The guests, writers of the calibre of Jon Fosse (25 March), Javier Cercas (3 April), Guillermo Arriaga (16 June), Daniela Dröscher (17 June), David Grossman (25 June) and Erri De Luca (1 July), will talk about their books and the theme chosen for this year's Festival: RITORNI, one of the oldest and most profound in literature, a metaphor for life itself. The theme, which opens up important reflections not only from a purely literary but also from a political and topical point of view, also becomes an invitation for the guest authors to take the floor and contribute to deciphering our time with more tools.

The Assessore alla Cultura di Roma Capitale, Massimiliano Smeriglio, will speak during the meetings with Jon Fosse and Javier Cercas.

The Letterature Festival programme is curated by Simona Cives with the collaboration of a scientific committee composed of Paolo Di Paolo, Melania Mazzucco, Davide Orecchio, Igiaba Scego and Nadia Terranova.

Letterature Festival Internazionale di Roma - Anteprime is promoted by the Assessorato alla Cultura di Roma Capitale and curated by the Dipartimento Attività Culturali with the organisational coordination of Zètema Progetto Cultura.

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from 25 March 2025 to 1 July 2025
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