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Mittwoch 06 November 2024
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Format: 01/14/2025
Format: 01/14/2025
Penelope-Foto: Atena induce Penelope al sonno, illustrazione da The Odyssey of Homer done into English prose by S.H.Butcher and Andrew Lang, ill. Sir William Russell Flint, the Medici Society, London 1924 - sito ufficiale del Parco Archeologico del Colosseo 
von 19-09-2024 bis 19-01-2025
Via Sacra

The exhibition entitled Penelope, curated by Alessandra Sarchi and Claudio Franzoni, opens to the public in the spaces of the Ucc

Fernando Botero, Ballerina alla sbarra, 2001, Olio su tela, 164x116 cm, Collezione privata
von 17-09-2024 bis 19-01-2025
Piazza Venezia , 5

The great Colombian artist is the protagonist of a prestigious retrospective, the most comprehensive ever held in Rome, hosted in the rooms of

von 25-10-2024 bis 25-01-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9/A

Te yunait haiwit a te mu uwa, nita teyunait yaxeik a te kwate hau hu
We all live under the same sky, but no one sees the same horizon

Giuseppe Primoli e il fascino dell'Oriente-Foto: sito ufficiale del Museo Napoleonico 
von 15-03-2024 bis 26-01-2025
Piazza di Ponte Umberto I , 1

Giuseppe Primoli and the charm of the East at the Napoleonic Museum is a thematic exhibition on

von 31-10-2024 bis 26-01-2025

As one of the most studied and investigated periods by art historians the world over, the Roman 17th century has always been linked to complex dynastic events, most notably those of the Bor

LAVINIA_Virginia Overton, Ducati per Roma, 2024
von 19-10-2024 bis 26-01-2025
Viale dell'Uccelliera

A project that places the beauty of the 17th century in dialogue with contemporary art, to enhance a recently reopened place in the city, the Loggia dei Vi

von 04-10-2024 bis 16-02-2025
Via Nizza , 138

For the title of the group exhibition that closes the five-year period of his artistic direction at MACRO, Luca Lo Pinto borrows an expression coined by the painte

von 29-10-2024 bis 16-02-2025
Via Nazionale , 194

The exhibition that the Palazzo delle Esposizioni dedicates to the work of Pietro Ruffo, a multifaceted artist who alternates between painting, architecture, set design, videomaking and lit

Foto di allestimento Vincenzo Labellarte, courtesy Fondazione MAXXI
von 25-10-2024 bis 23-02-2025
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

A famous Milanese icon, a symbol of the economic boom and the first example of an Italian-style skyscraper, Torre Velasca was vital to the reconstruction of Milan’s histori

von 12-10-2024 bis 23-02-2025
Viale dell'Aranciera , 4

A selection of more than one hundred works, including large canvases, installations and works on paper documenting Sandro Visca’s

Le lézard aux plumes d'or III, 1967, Litografia, 48 x 33,5cm, Collezione privata, Francia
von 14-09-2024 bis 23-02-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme , 9

The Museo Storico della Fanteria hosts Mirò - Il costruttore di sogni

von 03-10-2024 bis 02-03-2025
Lungotevere Castello , 50

A journey through art, culture and spirituality in the year of the Jubilee thanks to documents and unpublished or little-known works.

von 25-10-2024 bis 02-03-2025
Piazza del Colosseo

Located in the southeastern region of Turkey and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2018, Göbeklitepe is one of the oldest and most fascinating archaeological sites in th

Estetica della deformazione. Protagonisti dell'Espressionismo Italiano-Foto: Arnaldo Badodi, "Caffè", (1940), olio su compensato, Collezione Iannaccone
von 06-07-2024 bis 09-03-2025
Via Francesco Crispi , 24

The exhibition Aesthetics of deformation.

von 16-10-2024 bis 09-03-2025
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

An exhibition dedicated to the encounter between the city of Rome and the language of photography.

The Shed, foto © Iwan Baan, Courtesy DS+R
von 25-10-2024 bis 23-03-2025
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

Curated and designed by one of the world’s most famous and influential design studios, the New York-based firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R), the exhibition in the MAXXI museum’s

Andy Bluvertigo, Teatrino Emozionale, olio su tela, 2021
von 13-09-2024 bis 31-03-2025
Via Giovanni l'Eltore, 35 / 37

La Vaccheria, the extraordinary exhibition space in the heart of

Niki Berlinguer, da Renato Guttuso (Aranceto)
von 26-10-2024 bis 06-04-2025
Via Nomentana , 70

“La signora degli arazzi - Lady of the Tapestries” is the nickname given to Niki Berlinguer, stage name of Corinna Adelaide Augusta Fidelia.

Roma pittrice. Le artiste a Roma tra il XVI e XIX secolo-Foto: sito ufficiale di Palazzo Braschi
von 25-10-2024 bis 04-05-2025
Piazza di San Pantaleo , 10

The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi hosts the exhibition Painter Rome.

S.S. Lazio ph. courtesy of S.S. Lazio
von 18-08-2024 bis 25-05-2025
Piazzale del Foro Italico


AS Roma
von 25-08-2024 bis 25-05-2025
Piazzale del Foro Italico

AS Roma was founded as Associazione Sportiva Roma in 1927 from the merger of three clubs: Alba-Audace, Fortitudo-ProRoma and Foot Ball Clu

von 25-10-2024 bis 30-11-2025
Via del Portico d'Ottavia , 29

An unprecedented narration of some of the most evocative places in the city, six open-air itineraries in which music intertwines with hist

Statua colossale di Costantino
von 06-02-2024 bis 31-12-2025
Piazza del Campidoglio , 1

Housed in the garden of Villa Caffarelli in the Capitoline Museums, you can a

Max Liebermann – Un impressionista di Berlino-Foto: Max Liebermann, Ragazzi al bagno, 1899, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Milano
von 20-09-2024 bis 09-02-2025
Via del Corso , 18

The first large retrospective of the German painter and graphic designer Max Liebermann (1847-1935) in Italy opens at the

Roma Jazz Festival 2024-Foto: Auditorium Parco della Musica pagina ufficiale Facebook
von 14-09-2024 bis 06-04-2025
Viale di Porta Ardeatina , 55

The Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone, the House of Jazz

Stagione da Camera Auditorium Parco della Musica: Contemporanea 2024-Foto: sito ufficiale Auditorium Parco della Musica 
von 30-10-2024 bis 07-05-2025
Viale Pietro De Coubertin , 30

The Contemporanea event, the Season of Musica per Roma Foundation at the Auditorium Par

Otto narrazioni musicali-Foto: sito ufficiale del Teatro di Villa Torlonia
von 22-10-2024 bis 25-05-2025
Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 1/a

The Villa Torlonia Theater hosts eight monographic musical events dedicated to so

Stagione Sinfonica 2024-2025 di Santa Cecilia-Foto: locandina ufficiale dell'Accademia di Santa Cecilia
von 21-10-2024 bis 14-06-2025
Viale Pietro De Coubertin , 30

The 2024-2025 Symphony Season opens in Santa Cecilia with a rich and ambitious program; in fact, the new Musical Director Daniel Harding

L'allieva di danza di Venanzo Crocetti. Il ritorno-Foto: sito ufficiale della Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale
von 23-06-2023 bis 14-09-2025
Via Zucchelli , 7

The exhibition at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture - Ce

von 29-04-2021 bis 09-11-2025
Via delle Tre Pile , 1

It was among the bronzes donated to the Roman people by Pope Sixtus IV in 1471, forming the first nucleus of the Capitoline Museums collection: the hand – with some missing parts –

I Colori dell’Antico. Marmi Santarelli ai Musei Capitolini-Foto: sito ufficiale dei Musei Capitolini
von 13-04-2022 bis 30-04-2032
Piazza del Campidoglio , 1

The exhibition in the rooms of Palazzo Clementino at the Capitoline Museums presents

von 09-01-2024 bis 19-01-2025
Piazza di Santa Maria Liberatrice , 10

Di Agatha Christie

Traduzione e adattamento teatrale Edoardo Erba

in accordo con Arcadia & Ricono Ltd

per gentile concessione di Agatha Christie Ltd

von 17-10-2024 bis 20-01-2025
Via Margutta , 118

L’Espressionismo Astratto e la Pop Art, nelle opere di Patrizio Landolfi, non si scontrano, ma si integrano armoniosamente, creando una sinergia c

von 23-10-2024 bis 23-01-2025
Piazza della Chiesa Nuova , 18

In occasione del V centenario della nascita (1524-2024)

von 05-04-2024 bis 31-01-2025
Via Nomentana , 70

From 5 April 2024, the Air Raid Shelters and the Bunker located under the Casino Nobile, two underground structures built during the Second World War, will reopen to the public with a new multimedi

von 17-09-2020 bis 02-02-2025
Via Zucchelli , 7

Created on the walls of the cloister-garden is the site-specific stencil poster intervention with the exciting title "Rinascita" (Rebirth), specially created for the Gallery in collaboration with W
