A selection of more than one hundred works, including large canvases, installations and works on paper documenting Sandro Visca’s sixty years of activity, an immersive and stimulating experience that allows us to explore the work of the artist from Abruzzo with particular attention to his continuous dialogue between matter and its putting into form.
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, with the museum organization of Zètema Progetto Cultura, the exhibition is housed in Carlo Bilotti Museum, which, with its articulated structure, is the ideal space to accommodate such a stratified artistic production. Indeed, the path of the exhibition reflects the compositional and conceptual complexity of the works. The play of juxtapositions, where heterogeneous elements come together to create a powerful and vibrant whole, reveals the artist’s intent to bring out deep, sometimes hidden relationships between matter and its perception.
The large rooms on the first floor are dedicated to Visca’s most recent works, which confirm his poetics, compositional choices and expressive strategies matured over the past decade. On display for the first time, along with other previously unseen works, is the wall installation AMORE AMORE from 2024, STERCUS DIABOLI from 2018, and the large canvas FRACTURE that engaged the artist between 2018 and 2021. Sculptures include _ORO_ from 2017 and the very recent 2024 Esplodenti; works in the small rooms on the second floor include FRAGILE 1 and FRAGILE 2 from 2015.
Dal 12 ottobre 2024 al 12 gennaio 2025
dal martedì al venerdì ore 10.00 - 16.00
il sabato e la domenica ore 10.00 - 19.00
24 e 31 dicembre ore 10.00-14.00
Ultimo ingresso mezz'ora prima della chiusura
Giorni di chiusura
lunedì e 25 dicembre
CONSULTA SEMPRE LA PAGINA AVVISI prima di programmare la tua visita al museo.