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Freitag 11 Oktober 2024  -  Sonntag 13 Oktober 2024
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Format: 10/11/2024
Format: 10/11/2024
Robert Plant Saving Grace - SGB Final Edited UPDATED
Viale Pietro De Coubertin, 30

Sabato Blu - Blue Saturday” is the day dedicated to urban walking, an initiative promoted by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle with which Roma Capitale jo

von 11-10-2024 bis 12-10-2024

A road rally dedicated to vehicles powered by alternative fuels and propulsions, from electric to hybrid, LPG, methane and biomethane, hydrogen and biodiesel.

L'Appia è moderna-Foto: sito ufficiale turismoroma
von 18-05-2024 bis 13-10-2024
Via Appia Nuova, 1092

The Casale di Santa Maria Nova, which is located within the archaeological area of ​​the Villa dei Quintili

Tennis & Friends - Salute e Sport-Foto: Pagina ufficiale Facebook
von 11-10-2024 bis 13-10-2024
Viale dei Gladiatori, 31

On Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 October, from 10.00 to 18.00 Tennis & Friends returns to the

Tevere Day 2024-Foto: Pagina ufficiale Facebook
von 07-10-2024 bis 13-10-2024

There are more than 100 events scheduled for the VI edition of Tiber Day 2024 scheduled in Rome from 7 to 13 October 2024 along approxima

Saranno Famosi - Professori
von 10-10-2024 bis 13-10-2024
Via Merulana, 244

Talent, dreams, emotions: the Teatro Brancaccio hosts the musical inspired by a true cu

Tiberis 2024-Foto: sito ufficiale di Roma Capitale
von 25-06-2024 bis 15-10-2024
Lungotevere Dante, 1

Tiberis, the park overlooking the Tiber, opens in Rome: it is an area of ​​approximately two hectares<

von 15-06-2024 bis 15-10-2024

A single large stage that, from mid-June to October, turns the spotlight on the entire city.

Capolavori della Letteratura – II Edizione 2024-Foto: Locandina ufficiale de Capolavori della Letteratura – II Edizione 2024
von 20-06-2024 bis 15-10-2024

The Masterpieces of Literature festival, organized by the De Sanctis Foundation, in collaboration with Libraries of Rome, this year takes place, for its s

von 13-10-2024 bis 16-10-2024
Via Portuense, 1645

The excellence of ‘made in Italy’ agro-foods is back in the spotlight at Fiera Roma from 13 to 16 Oct

Foto: Yasuko Kageyama -Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (interno)
von 09-10-2024 bis 19-10-2024
Piazza Beniamino Gigli, 7

Benjamin Britten's masterpiece, Peter Grimes - made in co-production with Teatro Real in Madrid, Royal Opera House in London and Opéra National in Paris - is on stage at t

Aleksandra Kasuba, A Spectral Passage, 1975 - 2023 - ph. Giorgio Benni
von 10-04-2024 bis 20-10-2024
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

On the borderline between art, architecture and design, MAXXI

von 05-10-2024 bis 21-10-2024

A project that gives voice to the creative freedom of the new generation of fashion designers.

Roma Storia Festival 2024- Foto: Comunicato stampa del sito ufficiale Roma Storia Festival 
von 19-09-2024 bis 22-10-2024

This year the 2024 edition of the Rome History Festival, hosted in the

Venerdì in musica ai Musei Vaticani-Foto: sito ufficiale turismoroma
von 03-05-2024 bis 25-10-2024
Viale Vaticano, 100

The Vatican Museums are hosting the concert series “Music at Museums” this ye

von 10-10-2024 bis 27-10-2024

Produced with the contribution of Roma Capitale - Assessorato alla Cultura-Dipartimento Attività Culturali, Alice nella Città is the autonomous and parallel section of the

Arene di Roma Estate 2024-Foto: Notti di cinema a Piazza Vittorio
von 01-06-2024 bis 31-10-2024

This year, as usual, the Cinema Estate 2024 Arenas will enliven the evenings of the Capital with free screenings in the various squares and town halls.

Tilda Swinton, 1991 © Fabio Lovino - Foto F. Caricchia per la Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma
von 15-05-2024 bis 03-11-2024
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

At the Baths of Caracalla, 78 iconic shots by 35 of the most important international photographers

von 11-07-2024 bis 10-11-2024
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

An unusual walk through the history of the city.

von 11-09-2024 bis 10-11-2024
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

The “dark” community in the shadowy and glittering, underground and blatant Rome of the 1980s, between music and fashion.

TEATRO. Autori attori maschere della scena antica-Foto: Mascera di attore di farsa fliacica, Taranto, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 
von 21-05-2024 bis 17-11-2024
Lungotevere in Augusta

The exhibition at the Ara Pacis Museum entitled TEATRO.

Marionette Depero - foto Marta Ferro
von 31-05-2024 bis 30-11-2024

The exhibition conceived and curated by Raffaele Curi for rhinoceros, the spectacular building in the heart of Rome designed by Jean Nouvel for Alda Fendi, is a poetic and evocativ

Enrico Brignano - I 7 Re di Roma
von 08-10-2024 bis 01-12-2024
Via Sistina, 129

The Teatro Sistina hosts the great Roman showman, inaugurating the 2024/2025 season by presenting

Isgrò cancella Isgrò, 2024, foto turismoroma
von 08-05-2024 bis 31-12-2024
Via Antonio Gramsci, 71

With the “Artista alla GNAM” initiative, La Galleria Nazionale National Gallery is offering the general public

Esquilino 150-Foto: sito ufficiale di Roma Capitale
von 06-09-2024 bis 31-12-2024

The Esquilino district celebrates its 150 years with a program full of events; In fact, there are many events planned in honor of one of the most

LAUDATO SIE! Natura e scienza. L’eredità culturale di frate Francesco-Foto: Manoscritto del Cantico di frate Sole o Cantico delle creature, sito ufficiale del Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi 
von 02-10-2024 bis 06-01-2025
Piazza Navona, 2

The Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi, on the occasion of the eighth centenary of

L’incanto della Bellezza. Dipinti ritrovati di Sebastiano Ricci dalla Collezione Enel-Foto: sito ufficiale Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi
von 19-06-2024 bis 12-01-2025
Piazza Navona, 2

The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi hosts in its rooms, visible to the public for the firs

CANE, 1940-1951, Olio su compensato,21,5 x 28 cm, Collezione Mazzanti, Parma
von 28-09-2024 bis 12-01-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9

The Museo Storico della Fanteria hosts an evocative exhibition dedicated to one of the most brilliant and enigmatic 20th-century Italian artists, an extraordinary interpreter of in

Fernando Botero, Ballerina alla sbarra, 2001, Olio su tela, 164x116 cm, Collezione privata
von 17-09-2024 bis 19-01-2025
Piazza Venezia, 5

The great Colombian artist is the protagonist of a prestigious retrospective, the most comprehensive ever held in Rome, hosted in the rooms of

Penelope-Foto: Atena induce Penelope al sonno, illustrazione da The Odyssey of Homer done into English prose by S.H.Butcher and Andrew Lang, ill. Sir William Russell Flint, the Medici Society, London 1924 - sito ufficiale del Parco Archeologico del Colosseo 
von 19-09-2024 bis 19-01-2025
Via Sacra

The exhibition entitled Penelope, curated by Alessandra Sarchi and Claudio Franzoni, opens to the public in the spaces of the Ucc

Giuseppe Primoli e il fascino dell'Oriente-Foto: sito ufficiale del Museo Napoleonico 
von 15-03-2024 bis 26-01-2025
Piazza di Ponte Umberto I, 1

Giuseppe Primoli and the charm of the East at the Napoleonic Museum is a thematic exhibition on

Estetica della deformazione. Protagonisti dell'Espressionismo Italiano-Foto: Arnaldo Badodi, "Caffè", (1940), olio su compensato, Collezione Iannaccone
von 06-07-2024 bis 02-02-2025
Via Francesco Crispi, 24

The exhibition Aesthetics of deformation.

von 04-10-2024 bis 16-02-2025
Via Nizza, 138

For the title of the group exhibition that closes the five-year period of his artistic direction at MACRO, Luca Lo Pinto borrows an expression coined by the painte

Le lézard aux plumes d'or III, 1967, Litografia, 48 x 33,5cm, Collezione privata, Francia
von 14-09-2024 bis 23-02-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9

The Museo Storico della Fanteria hosts Mirò - Il costruttore di sogni

AS Roma
von 25-08-2024 bis 25-05-2025

AS Roma was founded as Associazione Sportiva Roma in 1927 from the merger of three clubs: Alba-Audace, Fortitudo-ProRoma and Foot Ball Clu

S.S. Lazio ph. courtesy of S.S. Lazio
von 18-08-2024 bis 25-05-2025


Emotion. L’arte contemporanea racconta le Emozioni-Foto: locandina ufficiale della mostra
von 29-11-2023 bis 29-09-2025
Arco della Pace, 5

The exhibition. Emotion.

Statua colossale di Costantino
von 06-02-2024 bis 31-12-2025
Piazza del Campidoglio, 1

Housed in the garden of Villa Caffarelli in the Capitoline Museums, you can a

AMACI - Giornata del contemporaneo 2024-Foto: Pagina ufficiale Facebook

The appointment with the Contemporary Day this year is renewed as well; the event promoted annually by AMACI - Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums

Resonare Fibris 2024 - II edizione-Foto: sito ufficiale turismoroma
von 19-04-2024 bis 11-10-2024
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9/A

The second edition of the Resonare Fibris concert  program  is hosted in the spaces of the
