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Spazio polifunzionale a servizio della fotografia: non solo galleria espositiva, ma anche luogo di produzione, con sala pose, post produzione per il digitale e camera oscura per lo sviluppo e stamp
[...]10b Photography, founded in Rome in 2007 by Francesco Zizola, was created as a space dedicated to photography, with the aim of promoting photographic culture in Italy.
Founded by Francesco Moschini in 1978, A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna (A.A.M. Galleria) shows the work of artists, architects, designers, photographers, graphic designers and illustrators.
The entrance to the Gallery gives into Piazza di Spagna.
Alternatives Gallery is specialized in the promotion of contemporary jewellery.
Anteprima is a contemporary art gallery located in Piazza Mazzini in Rome.
The antiques on show vary from the Medieval to the Neoclassical period.
AOC F58 is a group of artists and architects who, as well as pursuing their own artistic activity, also manage a common space dedicated to exhibitions, installations and events, following a well-es
[...]In un sofisticato spazio di 270mq in Via Margutta nasce il primo Concept Art Shop di Roma. Un luogo in cui l'arte, in ogni sua forma, torna ad avere anche un valore economico.
It was founded by Alfonso Gallo as the didactic section of the Institute he had already founded in 1938.
L’Associazione Art G.A.P., è stata fondata nel 2009 con l’obiettivo di promuovere la cultura artistica di ogni tempo, anche in stretta collaborazione con istituzioni ufficiali, enti statali e pri
[...]The Art Gallery Borgo IS an exhibition center for personal or collective exhibitions, welcomes dynamic projects, cultural events cured by the Art Manager Alessandra Esposito, encouraging art in all
[...]Wunderkammer ('Chambers of Wonder') were the Renaissance collection rooms in which monarchs, princes, aristocrats, scientists and artists collected the most diverse objects, trying to recreate the
[...]A cultural association, a gallery and a co-working laboratory in one space.
Come l’animale di cui portiamo il nome, la Galleria Il Leone si veste di nuovo coraggio e nuova forza vitale.
Bianco Contemporaneo is a place for art that was born from the encounter of two admirers from different backgrounds, Rossella Alessandrucci, a gallery owner, and Pasquale Sabatelli, a musician.
The gallery stems from Borghini Group's experience in the field of lighting technology and aims to explore in contemporary times how light has always been at the center of art hi
[...]Openspace in pieno Centro Storico, a Roma, BRESCIANI VISUAL ART in via dei Bresciani, a due passi da Via Giulia è il nuovo incubatore delle espressioni delle arti visive digitali e analogiche prove
[...]Orario di apertura:
Il lunedì dalle 10.00 alle 15.00
Il mercoledì dalle 15.00 alle ore 20.30
Il giovedì dalle 10.00 alle 15.00
Specializzata in Comic Art, illustrazione e tavole originali legate al mondo del fumetto.
It is the last home of the painter, poet, set designer and art critic Toti Scialoja, who lived there from 1991 to 1998.
Spazio espositivo domestico che si pone come contenitore d’arte ospitando mostre personali e progetti artistici collettivi, in un’ottica di sperimentazione e di contaminazione di linguaggi.
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