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Dimanche 29 Décembre 2024
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Format: 01/02/2025
Format: 01/02/2025
Roma Gospel Festival 2024
depuis 21-12-2024 à 01-01-2025
Viale Pietro De Coubertin , 30

Once again this year, as an integral part of Natale Auditorium, the

Storie di Natale-Foto: Francesca Astrei sul palco, sito ufficiale del Teatro Argentina
depuis 08-12-2024 à 06-01-2025
Largo di Torre Argentina , 52

The show Christmas Stories in the Sala Squarzina of the Argentina T

depuis 07-12-2024 à 06-01-2025

From Saturday 7 December 2024 to Monday 6 January 2025, the mobility plan for the Christmas holidays will be operating to facilitate the use of public transport du

depuis 01-12-2024 à 06-01-2025
Piazzale Luigi Sturzo

The magic of the holidays comes to Rome’s EUR district with the EUR Christmas Rome Village, organized under the patronage of Roma Capitale and the IX municipality.

Christmas Market
depuis 01-12-2024 à 06-01-2025

Colourful stands and wooden huts, twinkling lights, handcrafted products, games and gourmet delights: much loved by Romans and tourists alike, the Christmas markets are the perfect destination to i

depuis 30-11-2024 à 06-01-2025
Largo Cristina di Svezia , 24

A unique experience that dresses Christmas in a new light thanks to contemporary artistic languages that rethink the most exciting tradition of th

depuis 26-11-2024 à 06-01-2025

A thousand years of history and a unique atmosphere, even more so during the Christmas season when the city is adorned with festoons, illuminations and lights that

depuis 08-12-2024 à 06-01-2025
Piazza San Pietro

The seventh edition of the International Exhibition 100 Nativity Scenes in the Vatican, the exhibition that brings together works by artists from all over the world

depuis 23-11-2024 à 06-01-2025
Via di Castel Romano , 200

Christmas at Cinecittà World lights up with Oriental World, the Festival of Chinese I

depuis 23-11-2024 à 06-01-2025
Via di Castel Romano , 200

Cinecittà World lights up the Christmas wonderland with Chinese illuminations and a great ice show

This is Wonderland Pinocchio Christmas Edition
depuis 23-11-2024 à 06-01-2025
Passeggiata del Giappone

The magic is back at the Giardino delle Cascate (the Garden of the Waterfalls) in the

LAUDATO SIE! Natura e scienza. L’eredità culturale di frate Francesco-Foto: Manoscritto del Cantico di frate Sole o Cantico delle creature, sito ufficiale del Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi 
depuis 02-10-2024 à 06-01-2025
Piazza Navona , 2

The Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi, on the occasion of the eighth centenary of

depuis 08-12-2024 à 06-01-2025
Viale Pietro De Coubertin , 30

Fiorella Mannoia, Tosca, Stefano Bollani, Nicola Piovani, Giovanni Allevi, Edoardo Leo and

Aggiungi un posto a tavola
depuis 29-11-2024 à 06-01-2025
Via Merulana , 244

The Teatro Brancaccio hosts the beloved musical comedy inspired by David Forrest's After Me

Festa di Piazza Navona
depuis 08-12-2024 à 06-01-2025
Piazza Navona

Considered Rome's, and perhaps the world's, most beautiful Baroque square, Piazza Navona is located

Christmas World 2024
depuis 30-11-2024 à 06-01-2025
Viale del Galoppatoio

After welcoming over 1,5 million visitors, Christmas World is ready to illuminate Villa Borghese

Emotion. L’arte contemporanea racconta le Emozioni-Foto: locandina ufficiale della mostra
depuis 29-11-2023 à 06-01-2025
Arco della Pace , 5

The exhibition. Emotion.

depuis 21-12-2024 à 08-01-2025

From Saturday 21 December 2024 to Wednesday 8 January 2025, the traditional appointment with Natale nei Musei (Christmas in the Museums) returns, the widespread initiative that enh

L’incanto della Bellezza. Dipinti ritrovati di Sebastiano Ricci dalla Collezione Enel-Foto: sito ufficiale Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi
depuis 19-06-2024 à 12-01-2025
Piazza Navona , 2

The Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi hosts in its rooms, visible to the public for the firs

Marcello Mastroianni sul set di 8 ½ ph. Paul Ronald © Archivio Storico del Cinema / AF
depuis 12-10-2024 à 12-01-2025
Lungotevere Castello , 50

The National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo hosts an extraordinary exhibition cel

Gianluca Esposito, Carolina sincronica
depuis 17-10-2024 à 12-01-2025
Piazza di Ponte Umberto I , 1

Daughter of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and sister of Marie Antoinette, given in marriage to Ferdinand IV of Naples to seal an alliance with the Bourbons of Spain, Mar

depuis 24-10-2024 à 12-01-2025
Largo di Villa Peretti , 1

Classical and contemporary art meet at Palazzo Massimo, one of

West Side Story
depuis 07-12-2024 à 12-01-2025
Via Sistina , 129

One of the best-loved musicals in the history of musical theatre arrives on the stage of the Teatro Sistina

depuis 12-10-2024 à 12-01-2025
Viale dell'Aranciera , 4

A selection of more than one hundred works, including large canvases, installations and works on paper documenting Sandro Visca’s

CANE, 1940-1951, Olio su compensato,21,5 x 28 cm, Collezione Mazzanti, Parma
depuis 28-09-2024 à 12-01-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme , 9

The Museo Storico della Fanteria hosts an evocative exhibition dedicated to one of the most brilliant and enigmatic 20th-century Italian artists, an extraordinary interpreter of in

Tilda Swinton, 1991 © Fabio Lovino - Foto F. Caricchia per la Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma
depuis 15-05-2024 à 12-01-2025
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla , 52

At the Baths of Caracalla, 78 iconic shots by 35 of the most important international photographers

depuis 11-09-2024 à 12-01-2025
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

The “dark” community in the shadowy and glittering, underground and blatant Rome of the 1980s, between music and fashion.

Ragazza che si pettina, Courtesy Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Foto Giordano Bufo
depuis 08-11-2024 à 18-01-2025
Piazza dell'Accademia di San Luca , 77


Penelope-Foto: Atena induce Penelope al sonno, illustrazione da The Odyssey of Homer done into English prose by S.H.Butcher and Andrew Lang, ill. Sir William Russell Flint, the Medici Society, London 1924 - sito ufficiale del Parco Archeologico del Colosseo 
depuis 19-09-2024 à 19-01-2025
Via della Salara Vecchia, 5/6

The exhibition entitled Penelope, curated by Alessandra Sarchi and Claudio Franzoni, opens to the public in the spaces of the Ucc

Fernando Botero, Ballerina alla sbarra, 2001, Olio su tela, 164x116 cm, Collezione privata
depuis 17-09-2024 à 19-01-2025
Piazza Venezia , 5

The great Colombian artist is the protagonist of a prestigious retrospective, the most comprehensive ever held in Rome, hosted in the rooms of

depuis 25-10-2024 à 25-01-2025
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9/A

Te yunait haiwit a te mu uwa, nita teyunait yaxeik a te kwate hau hu
We all live under the same sky, but no one sees the same horizon

Giuseppe Primoli e il fascino dell'Oriente-Foto: sito ufficiale del Museo Napoleonico 
depuis 15-03-2024 à 26-01-2025
Piazza di Ponte Umberto I , 1

Giuseppe Primoli and the charm of the East at the Napoleonic Museum is a thematic exhibition on

LAVINIA_Virginia Overton, Ducati per Roma, 2024
depuis 19-10-2024 à 26-01-2025
Viale dell'Uccelliera

A project that places the beauty of the 17th century in dialogue with contemporary art, to enhance a recently reopened place in the city, the Loggia dei Vi

depuis 31-10-2024 à 26-01-2025

As one of the most studied and investigated periods by art historians the world over, the Roman 17th century has always been linked to complex dynastic events, most notably those of the Bor

Le Anime del Bernini ph. Ufficio Stampa Musei Vaticani
depuis 19-11-2024 à 31-01-2025
Viale Vaticano , 100

The Vatican Museums and the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See

Estetica della deformazione. Protagonisti dell'Espressionismo Italiano-Foto: Arnaldo Badodi, "Caffè", (1940), olio su compensato, Collezione Iannaccone
depuis 06-07-2024 à 02-02-2025
Via Francesco Crispi , 24

The exhibition Aesthetics of deformation.

Forme e colori dall’Italia preromana. Canosa di Puglia-Foto: Maximiliano Massaroni
depuis 19-11-2024 à 02-02-2025
Lungotevere Castello , 50

The exhibition Forms and colours from pre-Roman Italy.

Foto Iwan Baan. Courtesy Autostrade per l’Italia
depuis 06-12-2024 à 02-02-2025
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

Realized in collaboration with Autostrade per l’Italia on the occasion of the centenary of the construction of Italy’s first motorway in 1924, the exhibition project set up in 

Unexpected Itineraries of Rome - Itinerari Osa-Gabii e San Vittorino
depuis 29-11-2024 à 02-02-2025
Via Prenestina Nuova

The Osa-Gabii and San Vittorino itineraries are located in one of the most beautiful and interesting areas of the extreme territory of the Municipality VI<

Poesia e Pittura nel Seicento. Giovan Battista Marino e la meravigliosa passione
depuis 19-11-2024 à 09-02-2025
Piazzale del Museo Borghese , 5

The Borghese Gallery hosts the unprecedented exhibition project that, inspired by the texts of t

depuis 04-10-2024 à 16-02-2025
Via Nizza , 138

For the title of the group exhibition that closes the five-year period of his artistic direction at MACRO, Luca Lo Pinto borrows an expression coined by the painte

depuis 29-10-2024 à 16-02-2025
Via Nazionale , 194

The exhibition that the Palazzo delle Esposizioni dedicates to the work of Pietro Ruffo, a multifaceted artist who alternates between painting, architecture, set design, videomaking and lit
