Crumbly, fragrant and, above all, very light, the Pinsa Romana is among the latest gastronomic trends to have conquered the palates of the Capital and beyond! This delicious preparation, extremely digestible, certified by the "Originale Pinsa Romana" brand, takes its name from the Latin "Pinsere", which means to crush, to spread.
For a long time, the Pinsa was linked to a fascinating and imaginary legend: it is not, in fact, a current variant of the tasty Libum, based on flour, cheese, egg and bay leaves, described by Cato in de Agri Cultura around 160 BC, of the very ancient spelt offa, or of the "large forms of focaccia and farrate", mentioned by Virgil in the Aeneid and tasted by an exhausted Aeneas who arrived in Lazio after a long journey. Despite the "ancient flavour" term, its origins are quite recent.
In fact, it was born in 2001, thanks to the intuition of the entrepreneur Corrado Di Marco who, with determination and passion, found the right combination of flours, still secret, to give life to an idea that revolutionized the world of food. A recipe that combines family tradition and novelty: an "inverted biga" dough handed down from his grandfather, a baker during the Great War, combined with a mixture of wheat flour, soy flour, rice flour and dried sourdough.
A mouth-watering dish, whether in the classic version - margherita,boscaiola, capricciosa or four cheeses - prepared with traditional regional recipes, such as amatriciana, gricia and carbonara, gluten-free, or in surprising gourmet mixes for the most demanding palates, with the use of DOP and quality ingredients.
You must follow a rigorous method to make an ad hoc Pinsa Romana - crunchy outside and soft inside. Kneading and leavening are essential to obtain an excellent and highly digestible product.
- 720 grams of original preparation for Pinsa Romana
- 3 grams of dry yeast
- 10 grams of extra virgin olive oil
- 15 grams of salt
- 50 cl of cold water at refrigerator temperature
Pour the flour mix into a bowl or a mixer, add the yeast and half of the previously cooled water, kneading everything for a few minutes. Add oil, salt and the remaining water; continue kneading the dough for twenty minutes until it is well blended.
Take the dough (if it is sticky, sprinkle your hands with flour) and transfer it into a bowl, covering it with a transparent film. Let rise in the fridge for at least 24 hours, or even up to 48 or 72 hours if you like. Place the dough on a floured pan, divide it into four loaves and cover it with a cloth, leaving it to rise for at least 3 hours. Then, proceed with drafting the pinsa rigorously by hand, giving the loaves the characteristic elongated oval shape. Season to taste, put in the oven at 200 degrees and cook for about 20 minutes.
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