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Istituzioni culturali
Founded in 1901, the British School at Rome established in 1911 in the British Pavilion designed by Edwin Lutyens for the 1911 Internation
[...]The Accademia Costume e Moda has a long-established tradition in fashion education and training since it was founded in 1964 in Rome by Rosana Pistolese, a costume
[...]Accademia del Lusso is the fashion and design school based in Rome and Milan created to train professionals in the Fashion & Luxury System.
The Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma (ABA Roma) - Academy of Fine Arts originates from the Academy of San Luca, founded at the end of the sixteenth century by the p
[...]Accademia Italiana di Arte Moda Design is a non-state institution founded in 1984, based in Florence and since 2002 in Rome.
Located in the elegant Rione Prati, Accademia Koefia, the first Haute Couture Academy in Italy, has developed a method based on the construction of the paper patte
[...]The Accademia brings together over 130 national tailors.
L'actuelle Accademia Nazionale di San Luca est née, à travers une série de passages qui se sont déroulés entre la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle et la première moitié du XVI
[...]Near Piazza di Spagna stands the historical Accademia di Santa Cecilia, one of the o
[...]Auf dem Platz Manfredo Fanti, umgeben von einem kleinen Garten, liegt das monumentale Gebäude, das von klassischen architektonischen Mustern inspiriert wurde, die auf Initiative de
[...]Die Bibliothek ist im Palazzo Corsini untergebracht und entstand durch die Zusammenlegun
[...]The Library of the National Academy of San Luca is located inside the historic b
[...]Fast 3.000 lateinische, griechische und orientalische Handschriften, 1.000 Inkunabeln (darunter das erste in Italien mit beweglichen Lettern gedruckte Buch, Cicero
[...]The Library is located inside the Portuguese Institute of Sant'Antonio in the Campo Marz
[...]Located in the upper loggia of the 16th-century Palazzo del Commendatore, part of the his
[...]The Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale was inaugurated in 1876 in a wing of the monumental sixteenth-century Palazzo del Collegio Romano, seat of the ancient Biblio
[...]Eng verbunden mit der Figur des heiligen Philipp Neri und der Kongregation des Oratoriums, wurde die Bibliothek Vallicelliana 1565 gegründet. Nac
[...]Die Bibliotheca Hertziana ist eines der ältesten Institute der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Nachfolgeorganisation der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft) und zugleich eines der ersten mit gei
[...]In 1833, the Borghese princes enlarged Villa Pinciana by purchasing several neighbouring vineyards and villas, including Villa Manfroni Bernini, located immediatel
[...]Das Casa del Jazz liegt in einem wunderschönen, etwa zweieinhalb Hektar großen Park und ist ein einzigartiger Veranstaltungsort im Herzen von Rom.
La Casa Internazionale delle Donne di Roma è situata nel complesso monumentale già denominato Buon Pastore (fin dal Seicento adibito a reclusorio femminile), desti
[...]Die Kinderspielothek der Villa Borghese für alle Kinder von 3 bis 14 Jahren
Il Gruppo Storico Romano è un’associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro nata nel 1994 dalla passione per l’antica Roma.
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