Located in the city center, Scuola Nicola Zabaglia is named after the brilliant master builder of the St. Peter’s factory who in the 18th century devised and built ingenious machines and scaffolding for complex construction work. It’s one of the four historic Roman Scuole d’Arte e dei Mestieri (Schools of Arts and Crafts) that allow students to acquire and develop the essential techniques of an art or craft in different areas of applied art. The school was founded in 1871 to provide adequate cultural preparation for young stonemasons, cabinetmakers, decorators, carvers, blacksmiths, etc. engaged during the day in their work activities. At the beginning of the last century, one of its teachers was Duilio Cambellotti, an Italian applied artist, illustrator, painter, sculptor and designer who designed, among other things, some of the most beautiful stained-glass windows in the Casina delle Civette at Villa Torlonia.
Over the years, the courses have diversified, and currently there is a wide choice of expertises that can be acquired. In the field of fashion, the educational offerings include, for example, courses in Haute Couture Tailoring Techniques and Leather Processing Techniques. The educational system focuses on both theory and practice, also thanks to well-equipped laboratories, and allows students to acquire and develop the essential techniques of an art or craft in different areas. The training activity fits fully within the framework of initiatives aimed at promoting and supporting lifelong adult education attributed to local authorities by Article 139 of Legislative Decree 112/98.
Courses have a frequency of one or two afternoons per week and take place throughout the year; activities are exclusively in the afternoon/evening.
Accademia del Lusso - Scuola di Moda

Accademia Costume e Moda

Accademia Italiana di Arte Moda Design

Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori

IED - Istituto Europeo di Design

Istituto di Moda Burgo

Istituto Moda Sgrigna

Istituto Paritario Ugo Foscolo - Indirizzo Design Moda


Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri - Arti Ornamentali

Maiani Accademia Moda - MAM

NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Management


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