Located in via Teodorico in the Nomentano district, the MAM Maiani Accademia Moda was founded in 2003 as a practical and professional training institution in the fashion sector, accredited by the Lazio Region in 2010.
The teaching activity is of high academic, artistic, professional and research training in the fields of fashion, costume, art, design and modeling in all its phases. The Academy aims to provide students with a complete preparation, stimulating their creativity through the search for new experiments, forms and styles.
The training proposal includes seven one-year and two-year courses − Fashion Design Production (EQF6), which brings the collection produced by the students to the fashion event AltaRoma; Cinematographic and Audiovisual Costume Design (EQF4); Clothing Pattern Maker (EQF4); Lectra CAD and CLO 3D Pattern Making Technician (EQF5); Graphic Design and Multimedia (EQF5); Interior Design and Visual Merchandising (EQF 4) and Clothing Technician (EQF3) − accredited by the Region in the fashion sector with EQF recognitions and usable for competitions and rankings as training credits. The offer is also enriched by specialization and short courses (Smart) in tailoring, pattern making, fashion design, CAD, virtual image consultancy, embroidery, decoration, millinery, leather goods and footwear.
At the end of the courses, students have the opportunity to carry out an internship in the company or atelier to test themselves in a real-world work experience.

Istituto Paritario Ugo Foscolo - Indirizzo Design Moda

Accademia Costume e Moda

Accademia Italiana di Arte Moda Design

Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori

Accademia del Lusso - Scuola di Moda

IED - Istituto Europeo di Design

Istituto di Moda Burgo

Istituto Moda Sgrigna

Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri - Arti Ornamentali

NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Management

Scuola d’Arte e dei Mestieri - Nicola Zabaglia


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