The Istituto Europeo di Design was born in Milan in 1966 from the extraordinary vision of Francesco Morelli. Today it is internationally recognized and spans over three countries: Italy, Spain, and Brazil.
Inaugurated in 1973, the Rome headquarter, present in the city with three offices in the San Giovanni, Pigneto, and Testaccio districts, can count on a network of 500 professional teachers and offers over 60 classes, including Bachelor, Masters, and Continuing Education.
It actively participates in local events and initiatives. The partnerships with prestigious realities and companies allow the students to deal with the protagonists of local cultural and productive life.
IED Roma has launched innovative projects in Design, Visual Arts, Communication, and Fashion, a crucial sector for the Italian and international economy.
The Fashion courses, which aim at both graduates from High School and University or professionals who want to improve and broaden their skills, range from the creative to the strategic field, from the organizational to the commercial aspects, from marketing to image and communication activities up to more specifically creative fields to managerial and commercial ones, from the stylist to the fabric or jewelery designer, from the journalist to the organizer of events.
Accademia del Lusso - Scuola di Moda

Accademia Costume e Moda

Accademia Italiana di Arte Moda Design

Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori

Istituto di Moda Burgo

Istituto Moda Sgrigna

Istituto Paritario Ugo Foscolo - Indirizzo Design Moda


Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri - Arti Ornamentali

Maiani Accademia Moda - MAM

NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Management

Scuola d’Arte e dei Mestieri - Nicola Zabaglia


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