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Istituzioni culturali
Founded in 1901, the British School at Rome established in 1911 in the British Pavilion designed by Edwin Lutyens for the 1911 Internation
[...]The Accademia Costume e Moda has a long-established tradition in fashion education and training since it was founded in 1964 in Rome by Rosana Pistolese, a costume
[...]Accademia del Lusso is the fashion and design school based in Rome and Milan created to train professionals in the Fashion & Luxury System.
The Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma (ABA Roma) - Academy of Fine Arts originates from the Academy of San Luca, founded at the end of the sixteenth century by the p
[...]Accademia Italiana di Arte Moda Design is a non-state institution founded in 1984, based in Florence and since 2002 in Rome.
Située dans le complexe Palazzo Corsini du XVe siècle, la célèbre Académie Nationale des Lyncées est la plus ancienne
[...]The Accademia brings together over 130 national tailors.
L'actuelle Accademia Nazionale di San Luca est née, à travers une série de passages qui se sont déroulés entre la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle et la première moitié du XVI
[...]Near Piazza di Spagna stands the historical Accademia di Santa Cecilia, one of the o
[...]Sur la Piazza Manfredo Fanti, entouré d'un petit jardin, se dresse le bâtiment monumental, inspiré des typologies architecturales classiques, né à l'initiative de l'ichtyologue de
[...]The Library is located in Palazzo Corsini and was born from the merger of the Corsiniana
[...]The Library of the National Academy of San Luca is located inside the historic b
[...]Almost 3,000 Latin, Greek and Oriental manuscripts, one thousand incunabula (including the first book with movable type printed in Italy, Cicero’s “De Oratore”), 2
[...]The Library is located inside the Portuguese Institute of Sant'Antonio in the Campo Marz
[...]Located in the upper loggia of the 16th-century Palazzo del Commendatore, part of the his
[...]The Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale was inaugurated in 1876 in a wing of the monumental sixteenth-century Palazzo del Collegio Romano, seat of the ancient Biblio
[...]Étroitement liée à la figure de San Filippo Neri et à la Congrégation de l'Oratoire, la bibliothèque Vallicelliana fut créée en 1565 grâce aux Ora
[...]La Bibliotheca Hertziana est l'un des plus anciens instituts de la Société Max Planck (successeur de la Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft) et l'un des premiers à se consacrer à une
Située dans un magnifique parc d’environ deux hectares et demi, la Maison du Jazz est un lieu unique au cœur de Rome.
La Casa Internazionale delle Donne di Roma è situata nel complesso monumentale già denominato Buon Pastore (fin dal Seicento adibito a reclusorio femminile), desti
[...]La ludoteca di Villa Borghese dedicata a tutti i bambini dai 3 ai 14 anni
Il Gruppo Storico Romano è un’associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro nata nel 1994 dalla passione per l’antica Roma.
The Istituto Europeo di Design was born in Milan in 1966 from the extraordinary vision of Francesco Morelli.
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