9 agosto: arriva il biglietto integrato per le Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini e Viaggio nei Fori - Foro di Cesare | Turismo Roma
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9 August: the integrated ticket for the Ancient Roman Domus of Palazzo Valentini and Journeys through Ancient Rome - Forum of Caesar is now available

desde 8 Agosto 2024 hasta 22 Septiembre 2024

A unique opportunity to visit two sites of ancient Rome linked by a millenary history.

Thanks to the agreement between the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Zètema Progetto Cultura S.r.l., Civita Mostre e Musei S.p.a., the summer weekends are enriched with a new cultural offer: on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, until 22 September, the Ancient Roman Domus of Palazzo Valentini and the multimedia show Journeys through Ancient Rome - Forum of Caesar are accessible with a single or reduced ticket.

The ticket, valid for the same evening, includes both the visit to the Domus (duration approx. 1 hour) and the multimedia show (duration approx. 50 minutes).

Visiting hours to the Domus: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Show times Journey through Caesar's Forum: until 31 August: 8.40 p.m. - 9.20 p.m. - 10.20 p.m.; from 1 to 22 September at 8.20 p.m. - 9.20 p.m. - 10.20 p.m.

You can purchase the new integrated tickets online, by midnight on the day before the visit, at www.viaggioneifori.it and www.palazzovalentini.it.

If, on the other hand, you already have a ticket for a visit to the Domus or a ticket for the show Journeys through Ancient Rome - Forum of Caesar, you can take advantage of the new reduced ticket.

At the ticket office of the Domus (Via Foro Traiano 84) you can get in at a reduced price (€8.00) by showing your ticket for the Journeys through Ancient Rome - Forum of Caesar; vice versa, at the ticket office of the Journeys through Ancient Rome (Piazza della Madonna di Loreto) you can get in at a reduced price (€10.00) by showing your ticket for the Domus.

If you hold the Domus ticket, you can also apply for the reduction for Journeys through Ancient Rome at the Tourist Infopoints located around the city. You must then show both tickets at the time of your visit.

Combined ticket (Domus + Journeys through Ancient Rome): € 18,00 online only (+ € 2,00 presale)
Free admission: children under 6; people with disabilities and accompanying persons, EU tour guides

Ancient Roman Domus of Palazzo Valentini
Via Foro Traiano 84 - Rome
Visiting hours of the Domus accessible with Integrated Ticket
From 9 August to 22 September: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Journeys through Ancient Rome - Forum of Caesar
Piazza della Madonna di Loreto, near Trajan's Column.
Multimedia touring show times available with Integrated Ticket
Until 31 August - Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8.40 p.m. - 9.20 p.m. - 10.20 p.m.
From 1 to 22 September: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8.20 p.m. - 9.20 p.m. - 10.20 p.m.

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