Roma e la sua cucina: un binomio di successo in tutto il mondo | Turismo Roma
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Rome and its cuisine: a successful combination all over the world

desde 24 Junio 2024 hasta 30 Septiembre 2024

Rome is the favorite summer destination of foreign tourists ahead of Venice, Florence and Milan, with a 10 percent growth over last year. This is what emerges from the study carried out by Fipe Roma - Federazione italiana dei pubblici esercizi, with the collaboration of Lybra Tech, a firm that analyzes big data on visitor profiles, which photographs the current situation of tourism in the city and offers forecasts on future trends.

Also on the rise is the average stay, by nearly 4 nights (3.9 compared to 3.7 in 2023): the data says that dominating the Roman summer scene are US tourists with 31.6 percent, followed by Italians with 14.9 percent and Germans with 5 percent. While couples usually form the largest segment of visitors, during the summer months it is more families who hit the road.

Understanding the profiles of visitors and their motivations helps to adapt the offer to the expectations and desires of an increasingly large and diverse public, which is also interested in living an authentic and representative food and wine experience of the city. Fipe’s study is part of the “Typical Roman Restaurant 2.0” project promoted with the contribution of the Rome Chamber of Commerce and highlights precisely the importance of so-called gastronomic tourism. Roman cuisine is now a fundamental pillar of the city’s identity and tourist offer, thanks in part to the path of enhancing the city's food and wine riches undertaken with conviction in recent years.

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