Vatikanische Basilika St. Peter
![Basilica di San Pietro Basilica di San Pietro](
In 1509, the University of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths received from Pope Julius II the opportunity to build their headquarters in via Giulia, at
[...]Im mittelalterlichen Rom waren Goldschmiede, Schmiede und Hufschmiede Teil eines großen Vereins: Ihr Schutzpatron war der Heilige Eligius, Bischof von Nojo
[...]Der Kirchenkomplex Sant’Eusebio ist eines der Schmuckstücke des Rione Esquilino und liegt fast im Verborgenen, d
[...]Die Kirche von Sant’Ignazio di Loyola wurde nach einem Entwurf des Jesuiten-Mathematikers Orazio Grassi nach den Plänen von Carlo Maderno und anderen und auf Kosten von Kardinal Lu
[...]Die Kirche liegt versteckt in einer wenig bekannten Ecke Roms und ist doch nur wenige Schritte von der Via Ven
[...]The church of S.Ivo alla Sapienza stands inside the small courtyard of the Palazzo della Sapienza, the ancient University of Rome from the 15th century until 1935 when it became th
[...]The church at the top of the Salita di Sant’Onofrio, a rather steep driveway to the monastery constructed in 1446 to allow people to reach it, was built starting from 1439 on the h
[...]Located at the foot of the Palatine hill, strategically positioned between the Ro
[...]Die Kirche Santa Barbara befindet sich nur wenige Schritte vom Campo de’ Fiori und der
[...]Die Kirche Santa Bibiana befindet sich in der Nähe des Bahnhofs Termini.
Overlooking Piazza Farnese, the church is named after St Bridget, or Birgitta Persson, a Swedish no
[...]The church is located in via Giulia, in the historic centre, and it is linked to the history of the Sienese Archconfraternity, to which the building still belongs
[...]It is thought to be one of the oldest churches in Rione Regola, and its first references date back
[...]The existence of the church, which stands in via dei Banchi Vecchi, in the historic centre, is already attested between the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century an
[...]The Church of Santa Maria Addolorata is located in the Trieste district and was founded in 19
[...]Die Kirche steht in Rione Monti an der Stelle eines alten Klosters aus dem 13.
It is nestled and almost camouflaged between two buildings on Via del Tritone, and this is why it often goes unnoticed.
A tiny church stands nestled between the Aurelian Walls and the
[...]Es ist eine kleine, aber geschichtsträchtige Kirche in einer Gasse, die eng genug ist, um unbemerkt zu bleiben.
The church, belonging to the Sovereign Order of Malta, was completely renovated and re-decorated by Gian Battista Piranesi.
History and art, from the north to the south of Europe, meet in what has been the landmark church of the German catholic community in Rome for more than 600 years.
Located in the Rione Regola, along the elegant Via Giulia, the church was built in
[...]It rises in the Trastevere district and is the national church of the Japanese in Rome.
Unter den Hunderten von Kirchen, die Rom schmücken, ist Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini, auch bekannt als Nostra Signora della Concezione, sicherlich eine der suggesti
[...]In a semi-hidden corner a few steps from Piazza Navona, you can see one of the Renaissance a
[...]Charming and with a long history, the church stands on the site of the medieval San Nicolò de Curte: the name curte, meaning “court”, may have been a reference to the princely establishment of the