At present deconsacrated and belonging to the City Hall, the church is located on the actual Via Valle delle Camene. Its origins probably date back to the end of C.VI and its name derives from an icon given to the monastery by someone called Tempulus according ot the legend. The definition of Santa Maria in Tempulo, however, appears for the first time only in 1155, while the foundation of the Order of the Domenicane by San Domenico happened in 1216, when he chose right the Tempoline to establish the community. In 1221 the community was eliminated as soon as the church was abandoned by the nuns, who had moved to San Sisto.Immersed in the legendary atmosphere of the ancient Roman civilization, surrounded by greenery, the hall accommodates up to 25 people seated and 50 standing.
Die Caracalla-Thermen
Basilika Santi Nereo e Achilleo
Appia Antica Regionalpark
Archäologische Ausgrabungsstätte Grab der Scipionen
Open in occasion of wedding celebration
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