Located in the historical heart of Rome, really next to the Pantheon, IKONO Roma is the evocative experiential gallery with more than twelve immersive and highly interactive installations that stimulate your senses to unleash your creativity and trigger unforgettable memories.
The tour, lasting an average of about 1 hour, unfolds among incredible settings that replicate the excitement of travelling to different worlds, cultures and eras while staying in Rome.
Explore unique worlds: fun, immersiveness and creativity
Among IKONO's exclusive interactive experiences:
- Roman Thermae is the huge bubble pool that invites you to dive back in time, to explore first-hand indescribable colours, sounds and emotions.
- The Room of the Infinite Lanterns offers you a surreal journey through light and shadow in an evocative environment suspended in time.
- Lady in the Leaves is an immersive abstract Renaissance-inspired work by US artist Heather Bellino that engages you in a play of mirrors and light, giving you the illusion of perpetual motion.
- Light Painting is inspired by Pablo Picasso's experiments in painting with light; here, you can unleash your creative genius, trying your hand with luminous brushes to create drawings, shapes and phrases in the air. The final work will be sent directly to your mobile device.
- Yokocho transports you to a traditional Tokyo street, to be experienced with a spirit of exploration to totally immerse yourself in the energy and sensations of one of the most fascinating cities in the Rising Sun.
Become a protagonist of an iconic experience
If you wish to experience an out-of-the-box artistic and entertaining occasion, if you feel the need to get out of your comfort zone, to interrupt your daily routine and treat yourself to a surprising moment of relaxation, IKONO, with its enthralling atmospheres is ready to transport you to a world of sensorial suggestions and innovative technology to be experienced with those you love.
Alone or in company? IKONO is beyond every imagination
Here you will have the opportunity to discover the history of each setting and immerse yourself in an original experience that goes beyond your imagination.
IKONO is suitable for people of all ages who want to experience an extraordinary adventure alone, as a couple, with family or with friends.
Discover the other experential museums and galleries in Rome:
Piazza di Pietra

Das Pantheon

Piazza di Monte Citorio

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