Bonus agenzie di viaggio e tour operator: scadenza 8 marzo per completare la procedura | Turismo Roma
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Italian scheme to support tour operators and travel agencies: procedure to be completed by 8 March

depuis 21 Février 2024 à 8 Mars 2024

The Italian Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Bonus is a package of incentives, in the form of non-repayable contributions ranging from 0.5 to 5 per cent, to support businesses in the tourism sector that have suffered damage as a result of the COVID outbreak or have been authorized to operate between 1 January 2020 and 27 January 2022 and are in possession of a liability insurance contract valid until 2023.

Those who submitted their application by last autumn have until noon on 8 March to complete the procedure using the telematic platform made available by the Ministry of Tourism and accessible via SPID or electronic identity card from the link Once the deadline has expired, the platform will no longer allow access. All the instructions are contained in Notice 3421/24 of 6 February 2024, issued by the Italian Ministry of Tourism. For the self-certification form with digital signature, it is necessary to use the models contained in Annex 1 and Annex 2 to the Notice.

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