Lazio Youth Card | Turismo Roma
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Lazio Youth Card

The LAZIO YOUTH CARD APP that can be found on Google Play and Apple Store gives access to discounts and benefits for culture, sport, entertainment, education, tourism, mobility, etc. simply by downloading it onto your smartphone. 
There are approximately 2,000 member organisations, including cinemas, theatres, bookshops, hotel and extra-hotel accommodation facilities, amusement parks, holiday farms, camping sites, restaurants and important transport companies.

The LAZIO YOUTH CARD doesn't mean only discounts, but also other special offers: free tickets for important sports and cultural events including international tennis championships, swimming championships, football championships, free Wednesdays at the cinema, film festivals, theatre shows, concerts, etc.

The Lazio Region signed an agreement with LAZIOcrea and EYCA, the network of "YOUTH CARDS" in European countries. The LYC is also valid across Europe and its holders have access to a global network of 35,000 partner shops in 38 European countries and 7 million users.


NUR - Numero Unico Regionale 06 99500 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 8.00 - 19.00
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