The Cult of Romanity
It’s hard to imagine the countryside setting of the “Ai Due Ponti” restaurant, when it was founded over one hundred years ago.
In 1922, the current owner’s great-grandfather, Angelino, married to Rosa, decided to use part of his country house on Via Flaminia as a rest stop for travelers on their way to Rome. Rosa, a cook’s daughter, was in charge of the kitchen, while Angelino grew vegetables which whet the appetite of the travelers. One of these was Princess Iolanda of Savoy, who always stopped at this cozy tavern on her way to Villa Ada, to treat herself to Angelino’s very best artichokes. The noblewoman even sent a beautiful mirror to thank them, which is still hanging in the restaurant today.
Their children, Anna and Nino, took over the restaurant in the 1960s, and they maintained the authentic ingredients and typical convivial atmosphere that had by then become iconic. In fact, it was so typical that it was chosen as a movie set several times: I "Nuovi Mostri", "Marcia su Roma", and "Arrivano i Dollari" are just some of the movie that have clapped their clapperboards here.
Anna's son, Patrizio, and his wife, Grazia, took over the reins in the 1980s, continuing the fortunate path of their predecessors. Thanks to their experience, commitment, and love for traditions, the culture of Roman recipes has been handed down intact to the fourth generation, Fiamma and Jacopo Barberini, who now run the restaurant which, over the years, has seen a long list of famous people who’ve become loyal customers. While recognizing the new needs dictated by the restaurant industry, as well as the increasingly heterogeneous clientele, Fiamma and Jacopo continue to serve traditional Roman cuisine, the feather in their cap, also proposing imaginative variations of classic dishes.
The true art of a Roman restaurant owner, which over the years the Barberini family has perfected, isn’t just about skillfully mixing fresh and genuine ingredients; it is also about making customers feel at home, ensuring that the tasty flavors of the past are enjoyed in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.
Open 12:30-15:00 20:00-23:30Closed Wednesday

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