Roma spelled backwards reads Amor, meaning love. To celebrate Valentine’s Day Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, and Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali are therefore proposing a rich calendar of free events - themed visits and itineraries, creative activities, workshops, theatrical readings, and meetings - in the heart of the city to discover famous or unusual characters, anecdotes, and places.
The Galleria d'Arte Moderna explores all forms of love with Un amore e mezzo, the thematic visit to the exhibition L'estetica della deformazione. Protagonisti dell'espressionismo italiano, while the fascinating story of the Torlonia family is the focus of Amore e Psiche: dal sonno all'alcova nuziale, a visit organised at the Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi. On the program are also an exclusive visit for lovers at the Museo delle Mura and ‘close encounters’ between prehistoric human species with ‘Amori’ senza confini (Love without bounds) in the Pleistocene at the Museo di Casal de' Pazzi. The Museo della Repubblica Romana e della Memoria Garibaldina proposes a workshop exploring the figure and revolutionary love of Colomba Antonietti, the young heroine of the 1849 Roman Republic. Evocative and romantic, the night under the sky at the Planetarium of Rome features four celestial love stories from around the world under a starry vault. Love in its full meaning is the protagonist of Ricordi e ritratti d'amore (Memories and Portraits of Love), the creative workshop at the Museo Napoleonico which, among cameos, jewellery and miniatures, invites you to create your family album. L'amore è nell'Ar(i)a at the Museo dell'Ara Pacis proposes readings and games for families and kids dedicated to the love stories of gods, myths and characters from the family of Emperor Augustus.
There are also open-air itineraries such as the tour at the Monumental Cemetery of Verano to discover the timeless stories of love and affection; the theatrical reading of extracts by Latin authors at the Circus Maximus, which evokes love encounters and courting during shows; Amor Eterno (Eternal Love), the guided tour in the Rione Pigna -between Piazza della Minerva and Piazza del Collegio Romano - narrating the stories of women between 1500 and 1800.
More information on www.sovraintendenzaroma.it