Giubileo delle Persone con Disabilità | Turismo Roma
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Giubileo delle Persone con Disabilità

A questo evento giubilare sono particolarmente invitate tutte le persone con disabilità, insieme ai loro accompagnatori.


depuis 28 Avril 2025 à 29 Avril 2025

From the 28th to the 29th of April 2025


Monday 28th April
- From 08.00 to 17.00: Pilgrimage to the Holy Door with the possibility of receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Jubilee churches.
- At 17.00: Celebration of Holy Mass (St. Peter's Square)

Tuesday 29 April
- At 11.00: Meeting with the Holy Father (St. Peter's Square)
- At 13:00: Welcome lunch for all (Gardens of Castel Sant'Angelo)
- From 15.00 to 19.00: Festive moment (Gardens of Castel Sant'Angelo)

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