Sabato Blu 2024. Giornata del camminare | Turismo Roma
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Sabato Blu 2024. Giornata del camminare

Sabato Blu - Blue Saturday” is the day dedicated to urban walking, an initiative promoted by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle with which Roma Capitale joins the 12th National Day of Walking organized by FederTrek. The event aims to encourage virtuous behavior, promoting sustainable mobility so as to improve air quality and psychophysical well-being, and to give everyone the opportunity to discover or rediscover the wonders of Rome by walking in company.

In collaboration with FederTrek, fifteen urban trekking routes have therefore been developed, one for each municipality. Each of the itineraries, which can be consulted on the website is characterized by a specific theme that highlights the environmental peculiarities and historical and naturalistic testimonies of the area being walked. Among the proposed itineraries, for example, the one in Municipio I is an urban path of remembrance that recalls the rounding up of the Ghetto in 1943, the Gianicolense ring in Municipio XII traces the urban expansion of the city over time, while the urban path in Municipio XIV allows people to explore the Pineto Regional Urban Park, Rome's second largest park after the Appia Antica, a true little-known green oasis.

On the site, participants can check the characteristics of each trail (elevation gain, length, travel time) and view maps and the amount of pollutant emissions saved by forgoing the use of motor vehicles.  

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