Fuori Programma Festival 2024 | Turismo Roma
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Fuori Programma Festival 2024

Fuori Programma, Rome’s international contemporary dance festival under the artistic direction of Valentina Marini, returns to Rome with two intense weeks of outdoor performances, meetings with authors, residencies, workshops and special projects at Teatro India, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, Tor Tre Teste Park, Circo Massimo/Terrazza Laboratori dei Cerchi.

16 performances with artists from Lebanon, Albania, Mozambique, Switzerland, Guadeloupe, the Netherlands, the United States, Germany, as well as Italy, 3 special projects designed specifically for the festival, 3 workshops, 2 residencies and 2 meetings: these are the numbers of the ninth edition of the festival, which this year invites us to come to terms with the big questions of the contemporary world. “Please, Touch!” is the title chosen for 2024, an invitation to “touch” the expressive and cultural resonances embodied by the artists in the program and to abandon caution in order to “lay hands” on the complex and often dramatic issues that mark the present.

Three are the national premieres in the program: the show by American Graham Feeny, also in residence for a few days at the festival, Léo Lérus with Compagnie Zimarèl directly from the Guadeloupe Archipelago, and Spaniards Chey Jurado and Javier M Salcedo moving at the intersection of contemporary dance, acrobatics and breakdance. Presented as premieres are two works (a performance and an installation) by Belgian composer, director and visual artist Thierry De Mey, at the festival with Adriana Borriello, one of the big names on the national choreographic scene.

Find out the full program at www.fuoriprogramma.com.


depuis 21 Juin 2024 à 5 Juillet 2024
Web site: 

Dal 21 giugno 2024 al 5 luglio 2024

Programma > https://www.fuoriprogramma.com/programma/

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