The Emperor of Fettuccine
It all began in a small restaurant in Piazza Rosa, where the Alberto Sordi Gallery was later built. It was 1908, and Alfredo Di Lelio had just become a father. His wife, Ines, weakened by childbirth, had lost her appetite, and, having decided he would create a nutritious and appetizing dish for her, Alfredo made his very first fettuccine, using semolina – which made them lighter – and served with lots of butter and fresh parmesan. Not only did “Le Bionde” (The Blonds), as the restaurateur liked to call them, whet Ines' appetite, but they also became his signature dish and made him famous throughout the world.
In 1914, the restaurant moved to Via della Scrofa, and thanks to Alfredo’s enthusiasm and hard work, he won over a loyal clientele. But he only became a true celebrity when Hollywood actors Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, who were on their honeymoon in the capital, tasted his delicious fettuccine. They were so seduced by their taste and aroma, that they gave their host a gold fork and spoon as a sign of their appreciation.
This story travelled around the world, and famous and curious people from everywhere began going to Da Alfredo to taste the iconic delicacy. The restaurant in Via della Scrofa was sold just before the World War II and Alfredo’s son, Armando, known as Alfredo II, reopened it after the war, in the new premises in Piazza Augusto Imperatore. Drawing on his father's experience and the innate savoir faire of his family's DNA, as well as sporting the same unmistakable mustache, Alfredo II began importing the famous “blonds” abroad, and creating new specialties.
The tradition was then carried on by Alfredo III and his sister, Ines Di Lelio, who still take care of this family jewel today, together with Ines’ daughter, Chiara. Their success, which over the years has led celebrities from all over the world to taste Alfredo's fettuccine, is documented by 450 photos hanging on the walls, portraying famous people inside the restaurant, immortalized with the person responsible for them committing the sin of gluttony. The restaurant and its entire photographic archive are now subject to the restrictions and protection of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, being part of the city’s heritage, and not just because of its food.
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