Considered Rome's, and perhaps the world's, most beautiful Baroque square, Piazza Navona is located in the heart of the historic center and is one of the favorite meeting places for Romans and tourists, thanks to its lively and welcoming atmosphere.
Take a seat in a trendy cafés or elegant restaurant, roam streets and alleyways for a romantic or unusual view, stroll among Bernini and Borromini's works of art, admire the noble palaces of Papal Rome, enter a small church to discover its treasures, visit enchanting cultural institutions, are the must-dos of a lifetime.
During the Christmas holidays, the square shines of the dazzling lights of the historic Befana market. The pleasant old lady riding a broom, whose origins probably date back to the celebrations of ancient Rome for the winter solstice, distributed sweets and toys to little Romans even before the figure of Santa Claus established itself in the collective imagination.
In short, the market is a true institution cherished by Romans of all ages who, for over 200 years - first in Piazza Sant'Eustachio and then, after the unification of Italy, right here in Piazza Navona - have wandered among its stalls in search of the perfect gift.
It offers typical Christmas gastronomic delights, decorations, suggestive nativity scenes, toys, handicrafts, and books for the young and old.
As per tradition, Santa Claus, the puppet theater, and street artists await you to celebrate the most loved holiday of the year.
The Biblioteche di Roma collaborate with the festival by offering recreational and cultural proposals. Theatrical performances, concerts and animations directly in the heart of the square are scheduled throughout the festival period.
Special event on Saturday 9 December from 3 to 5 p.m. with the Peace-themed Christmas tree decorated with decorations, crafts, a drawing or a thought made by children on the theme of 'Peace' to be hung on the tree or displayed in the square for the duration of the event in a dedicated area. The invitation is open to all children.
Roma Capitale awaits you with a stand where you can get in touch with different realities of the Capitoline Administration: the Oil of Rome, the counters to citizens, immersive technological experiences.
Grand finale on 6 January: the Befana arrives in Piazza Navona to bring gifts and sweets to all children.
Dal 1° dicembre 2023 al 6 gennaio 2024