Address: Via Ponte di Piscina Cupa, 64 Castel Romano (Roma)
Other services: Toilette with Nursery, Dressmaking, Bank, Information point
How to reach it: By car from Rome:- Exit 26 GRA - Via Pontina (Dir. Pomezia) - Exit Castel Romano - EUR - Via Cristoforo Colombo - Via Pontina (SS 148) - Exit Castel Romano- EUR - Via Laurentina -Via di Trigoria - Castel RomanoBy car from Ostia:- Via Litoranea ( Dir. South) - Torvaianica - V.le Danimarca - Via Del Mare- Via Pontina (Dir. Rome) - Exit Castel RomanoBy car from Pomezia - Latina:- Via Pontina (Dir. Rome) - Exit Castel Romano
The shopping centres are subject at the COVID-19 containment measures.
For the opening times and guidelines please check the official website:
Para conocer todos los servicios de accesibilidad, visite la sección Roma accesible.