Access: Open to all.Patrimony: 120.000 volumes (1500 librettos, 7000 manuscripts, 850 editions from 16th to 18th century); the audiovisual fond offers 12.000 hours of audio coming from Ethnomusicology Archives, Record fonds and Concert Archives. Among the most interesting materials are the collections of folk songs and rare recordings of the past coming from the following fonds: Eminente, De Agostini and Fassini. The photographic library and the collection of pictures and portraits comprise about 20.000 photos (from daguerrotype to digital), oil paintings, prints, watercolours, drawings, sculptures. Curious portraits of actors and singers of the end of the 19th century live again close by the most charming photos of today's performers. The multimedia catalogue records history, events, images and sounds from 1895 to the present day. Matter: Music and History of Music.
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Para conocer todos los servicios de accesibilidad, visite la sección Roma accesible.