The Historical Institute is located in Palazzo Borromini in Piazza dell’Orologio near Piazza Navona. Founded in 1883, it took on its current title in 1934 and deals with the publication of series of historical studies, in particular the sources of Italian history from 500 AD. to 1500.
At the Institute there is a Historical Archive and over the years a specialized Library has been formed, open to the public, which has more than 100,000 volumes and about 760 Italian and foreign magazines. Its book heritage includes, in addition to many sources also manuscripts, also many volumes on different aspects of medieval history and culture; among these we remember, first of all, the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores by the historian Antonio Ludovico Muratori (1672-1750), the main collection of Italian medieval sources.
The Institute also collaborates with Universities, Academies and other research institutions and organizes conferences and seminars.
Photo: Courtesy of Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages
Piazza Navona

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Basílica de Sant'Agostino in Campo Marzio

Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Altemps

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