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Revolving fund for tourism businesses: applications from 1 July

desde 21 Mayo 2024 hasta 31 Julio 2024

The FRI-Tur (Revolving Fund for Tourism Enterprises to Support Development Investments in the Sector) is the incentive dedicated to SMEs with the aim of improving the services offered and upgrading accommodation facilities, with a view to digitization and sustainability. Provided for by the Italian National recovery and resilience plan, it is promoted by the Ministry of Tourism and managed by Invitalia. It is aimed at hotel enterprises, agricultural tourism and open-air facilities, enterprises in the tourism, recreation, fair and conference sector (including bathing establishments, spa complexes, marinas, theme parks).

Governing the facilities is Notice 13142 of the Ministry of Tourism published on May 11, 2024. The budget is 780 million euros, with an additional 600 million in bank financing activated for this measure. In particular, the measure regards investments for energy and earthquake-proof upgrading, building renovation and removal of architectural barriers, purchase or renovation of furniture and digitization.

Projects must be implemented by 31 December 2025, comply with national and EU regulations, and involve expenditure of between 500,000 euros and 10 million euros. 50% of the resources are earmarked for energy requalification. Applications can be submitted from 12 noon on 1 July 2024 to 12 noon on 31 July 2024, using Invitalia’s platform. From 12 noon on 30 May, it is possible to download the documentation.

Download the notice of the Ministry of Tourism with more details.

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