The Evangelical Baptist Church is located in the Trastevere district of Rome, in Via della Lungaretta.
It is located next to the Catholic Church of Sant'Agata. The premises were purchased in 1888 by the London Baptist Missionary Society; it was then renovated in 1901 and in 1923 became the property of the American Southern Baptist Society. Today it is the headquarters and property of the Trastevere Baptist Community, which meets there every Sunday at 11 am.
Internally, the temple has very simple forms, as a simple assembly hall with Art Nouveau decorations. On the upper floors are rooms for community life and classrooms for Sunday school.
There are seven other Baptist churches in the centre of Rome, including one in the Monti district (via Urbana) and one in the Sant'Eustachio district (via del Teatro Valle).
For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.
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